Chapter One

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Natalia POV
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I walked around my aunt's shop with the wooden floor creaking under me as I refilled the cupboards with new jars of potions and herbals. We have our shop by the market so it's always noisy with the locals and vendors just outside our doors trying to make a living.

The smell of herbs and wood surrounding the shop makes me feel relaxed and at home. I am here most of my days and it is like a second home to me. The shop also has a little private room at the back with a couch where I can nap and maybe get started on a book on slow days.

While I was on my tiptoes putting things in the cupboard the door opened behind me and Mr. Bauer came in like he always does in the afternoon. He never bought anything, he just walked around the place suspiciously looking at our products then glancing at me with a glare, and then walking out.

Mr. Bauer is an old man whose beard already turned completely white, as well as the hair on his head. He dressed quite well for his age and I heard he has a good job that has to do with handling imported goods, but I'm not sure if any of those is true.

For someone who has his life together, he's wasting a lot of it being here only to judge and accuse me.

This time he stared at me before he spoke, "I know you're a witch," he said quietly. He already told me this a couple of times so it doesn't bother me like it used to. Last time this happened I panicked and got nervous that someone finally found out about us and they were going to kill us. I ran to my aunt Maria and told her all about it, but she calmed me down and said that the queen will protect us and that I shouldn't worry about people like him.

Witches like me have been in hiding for centuries because a lot of religions put us in a satanic category, so we are very careful with revealing our secrets because it might get us burned in a stake, but Mr. Bauer as it turns out was never really a threat.

"Really?" I asked uninterested after closing the cupboard and going to the counter to write in our record book.

He breathed harder as his eyes stayed on me, "Yes and I'll tell the king about it," he threatened. He also told me that before.

I still don't care since I found out the royal family already knew about us for decades. The queen even spoke to my aunt frequently about how important we were to the kingdom.

"Go ahead," I replied and wrote need more vervain and betony. These kinds of plants are very in demand in our shop since it's used to cure headaches and fevers, and had other medicinal properties.

Mr. Bauer walked closer to me and I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow challenging him.

"What?" I asked and tilted my head, my red hair falling over my shoulder.

He stared at me and then blushed. Mr. Bauer then grumbled then left the shop and closed the door behind him harshly.

I rolled my eyes. What a weird, weird man.

I went back to writing in our record book when the door opened again. This time it was one of my best friends Lucas.

"Hey," he greeted with his charming smile as the door swung behind him.

I smiled, "Hey, what brings you here?" I asked and put down my quill to give all my attention to him.

Lucas had curly blonde hair and an innocent face that everyone loved, including the fact that he was a really good guy, which is rare nowadays.

"Oh nothing much, I was bored in the kitchen so just decided I would rather bother you," he said with a smile revealing a dimple on his cheek.

I chuckled. Lucas works in the castle's kitchen. He started cooking only a couple of weeks ago. He only used to bring boxes of supplies to the kitchen staff but he proved that he was very hard working and very eager to learn so it's not a shock that they gave him a job within the castle.

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