Chapter Twelve

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As soon as the sun was up we started asking around town. People know Malin in these parts, she used to visit Trolux because of the alliance they had before Grimwald broke it.

We asked a few vendors who said they saw her around the market but has no idea where she could be, we asked if they were sure it was Malin but sadly most of them weren't. They were never physically close enough to Malin when she visited before the fallout, she always had guards around her to get close to locals, so I understand their uncertainty.

"A couple of them said they saw Malin, more than a handful. That can't be a coincidence. Most of them are scared of Malin, imagine how many were the ones who lied to us about seeing her," Danielle said.

I nodded "I think she's here. This town isn't that big, she could just be under our noses and we didn't notice" I said.

We continued checking vendors, shops, and all the other places this town has to offer.

I shook my head, "Where could she be?" I asked. I sighed as my legs were starting to get numb with all the walking and my clothes were covered with sand and our canteens of water were almost gone.

"Let's take a break and continue later. I think I'm going to fall if we don't stop," Ramona said and we headed to a little tavern that was a little far from the town. It was a little deserted but looked cozy enough, but we were too hungry to complain about the place.

The door swung open and we were greeted by a quiet and peaceful place. It was a little dark because of the few windows that were present and I was guessing to keep the sand out of the place. There were only a few gas lamps and candles lit up and it created a relaxed place to eat.

"I like this place," Ramona said as we approached the cook to order something to eat. We ordered meat, bread, and soup to replenish our energy for the rest of the day.

We saw that there were only a few people around eating and having a drink as we looked for a place to sit. We didn't mind them much and only focused on having our first decent meal since we left Credia.

Then a voice made us stop in our tracks as we stood in the middle of the tavern.

"I heard you were looking for me," a voice that we find so familiar.

I turned to see a hooded figure sitting at the corner table of the tavern. She looked up and we finally saw her.


She was paler than we last saw her, her hair was shorter, and she had bags under her eyes. Life must've treated her badly after the war.

"Malin," Danielle's eyes widened. The three of us were losing hope in finding her and I guess we really didn't... she found us.

Malin smirked as her brown eyes studied us, "Took you long enough to find me," she said and took a hit from her pipe and blew the smoke out as her hand shook.

We walked closer to her as she leaned back on her chair to study us. "You're here to kill me right? Can we do it later? I want to finish my drink," she said and took another smoke.

Danielle rolled her eyes and took a seat in front of Malin "If we were, I know you won't go down without a fight," she said.

Malin chuckled weakly "You're right. What do you want Credians?" she asked mocking our kingdom. "Didn't you already have enough victories to stay on your own side of the country?" she said as she eyed us.

"What do you know about the wars happening in the hands of Vitalis?" Ramona asked and sat beside Danielle and leaned forward to Malin.

Malin rolled her eyes, "What do you think I know? I've been here since you left me there to die," she said with an edge in her voice.

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