She knew he was still doubtful of attending the social but she promised herself to make him enjoy it.

That included no beating people up... Try to be friendly... Be polite... Hold her tongue...

"Just don't cause any trouble." Hea muttered, making the list in her head.

"That sounds like a huge failure but I will try."

Jimin came out and saw her already dressed. He smiled in surprise.

"No wonder you told me to wear this."

"Of course." Hea winked. "We're matching."

"I like it." Jimin complimented.

"You do look cute in it." She styled his hair quickly.

"Jin hyung's calling us downstairs for pictures." The boy laughed.

After a while of posing with Jungkook and Taehyung and smiling til their teeth hurt, they were finally finished.

"Jeez, this is just a social. What will you do on graduation day?"

Jin laughed and told them they'd soon find out, before bidding them each goodbye.

"So what's the set up going to be like?" Jimin asked his friends, starting to get anxious.

"Uh well. It's like the big room, divided into different sections. Drinks and food, we got games section, just talking with your friends corner, photo setup."

"And it's like all of us that are graduating there right?" Hea asked as she slipped her hand in Jimin's as they walked to school.

"Yep. I mean, some people might not come but that's the supposed amount."

"You guys really work hard." Jimin complimented his younger friends.

"Well let's see if they appreciated our hard work." Jungkook smiled as they entered the school's big room.

The four friends stepped inside the room and Hea's mouth fell open in shock. Even Jimin was a little amazed at the set up.

"Hyung.. can we go?" Jungkook asked Jimin, seeing his friends from student council calling him over.

He nodded and warned them to be careful and don't drink too much.

"Enjoy guys!" Jungkook shouted and left to follow his friends along with Taehyung.

Hea and Jimin looked around.

"Where do you wanna go, Baby?" The girl asked him.

"I honestly don't know."

"Food first." Hea declared and pulled him to the snacks booth.

Hea shared a cupcake with him and they even drank a milkshake with the couple straws... Upon Jimin's request and obviously Hea wouldn't pass up the chance to do something her boyfriend asked.

While they were laughing and chatting together, someone was watching them with clear envy.

He stalked towards them and grabbed a drink from beside Hea. His hands trailed on her exposed waist and both Jimin and Hea stopped to look at him.

"Hea-ssi," He took a sip of his alcohol. "You look great tonight you know."

Hea eyed him up and down and immediately but subtly moved in front of Jimin.

"And who are you?"

"You don't know me? Probably because you don't remember the people you beat up. You broke my nose one time remember?"

My Innocent Baby BoyWhere stories live. Discover now