Chapter 44

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"This is it...". "Can you stick to the plan!?", burst out Kisaki. Why is he so tense? "Yeah. I'll go reason with Hakkai, who should already be in the church... While you guys ambush Taiju".

"Takemitchy", approached Chifuyu. "I know beating Taiju's important.. but if you can just persuade Hakkai, then that'll change our future! I'm counting on you". "Yeah! I got this". Leaving the three of them outside I pushed open the heavy doors to the church.

"Takemitchy?! What're you... doing here?", wondered "Figures you'd be here Hakkai". "What's going on?". "I came to stop you". If Hakkai's here, then... I hate to admit it... but Kisaki's information was correct.

According to Kisaki, Taiju is on his way to this church. While Kisaki and the others stop Taiju outside... I've just got to reason with Hakkai!!

"Takemitchy", sighed Hakkai calmly before frowning. "I didn't have that talk with you... because I wanted you to stop me. It was so I could strengthen my resolve! If you get in my way, I'll kill you too!!".


All I can say is that the church has uncomfortable floors. My bruises, have bruises. After arriving at the church, Taiju physically dragged me inside the church with me cursing him in every way possible. "Our father who art in heaven. I pray in thy holy name...".

Those are some nice pews. "Amen". Oh he wasn't finished yet? Well now he is. "What the hell... are you bastards doing here?!". Damn Takemichi. You have a death wish or something? Why would you come here?

"AAAAAAAH!". "Hakkai?!!". Hakkai rushed at Taiju with a knife only for Taiju to pick him up like a ragdoll. "All you really do is act tough". "Agh!". "Got my hopes up a little that you'd actually try to kill me. This is so hard for me, Hakkai. You let me down once again. If you're serious, then don't yell. Sneak and stab me from behind".

"Stop it!!". The dumb saviour type then. But at least Taiju let go of Hakkai. "Takemichi Hanagaki. This is the second time you've stuck your nose... in the Shiba family's business!!". From my point of view, Takemichi was shaking in his boots as he was faced by a 7 foot beast. "Hakkai, My back's wide open right now!!".




Don't pay enough attention and you see Hanagaki on the other side of the church. "I only punched you with 30% of my power before. But since this is the second time, I used 50%!! Ya know?! Hurts like fuck, don't it? What's wrong, Hakkai? You 're not gonna save him?! If you don't he's gonna die!!".

Should I help? Taiju's going too far. "Takemichi Hanagaki!! Do you know why Hakkai wants to kill me?". "Because you! Because you've been abusing Yuzuha!!". "HA HA HA HA HA HA!! You hear that, Hakkai? Why don't I reveal your secret?".

There's lore? Ooh. What did Hakkai do? "He's not the sort of person you think he is". Takemichi was grabbed once again by Taijju before Hakkai screamed. "Stop it!!". "Yuzuha?!".

Dead silence as we all saw Yuzuha stab Taiju in the back. "Yuzuha you bitch! You really fucked up this time!!". "I came to save you", Yuzuha glared. "I'm gonna end all of this". "But why..? Why'd you come here?"... "Takemitchy".

Since when did Hakkai get so talkative? "You bastard! You told Yuzuha didn't you?!!!". "Huh!?". Nahw. Takemichi don't have the brains for that. We all know it was Kisaki. "You're the only one I told... about what I decided to do!!". It was Takemichi's turn to look flabbergasted. "Huh?! I... I didn't!!".

"You're wrong. Hanagaki didn't tell me anything". There was an awkward silence before Taiju exclaimed. "Fuck!". Taking off his coat you could see the blood pouring from his fresh wound. "You fucked up... Yuzuha".

So did you sir. You look like a psychopath since you touched your wound and looked like you were about to taste it. "Thanks to these kids yelling when he saw you... I had a split second to move. "So, hate Hanagaki".

Then Taiju went on for a bit, let's fast forward shall we? Now I didn't really care about most conflicts but Yuzuha was a kind girl who shouldn't even be a part of all of this. So when Taiju was about to punch Yuzuha I was quick to take action and pushed Yuzuha out of the way.

Now I knew I could've defended myself but I was braindead for a sec and got a fist to the face. Now I knew he was strong, but I didn't expect him to send me through a couple of pews and straight into the altar.


The ringing in my ears will probably be going on for a while. "O lord, why do you always put me through ordeals such as this? Why must I... go against my family?".

"AAAAH!!". I sacrificed my beautiful face for nothing because Yuzuha decided to charge at Taiju and got punched. "I'll beat you to death, nice and slow". "Calm down Taiju-kun!!", shouted Takemichi. Will he ever do something other than shout and cry?

"Move shit-stain". "Takemitchy?!". "You say you care so deeply about your family...", Takemitchy stretched out his arms in front of Taiju as he blocked Yuzuha. "...But in the end, you're the one who's tearing your family apart!!". "Don't! He'll kill you!".

This enraged Takemichi as he faced Hakkai. If you were wondering what happened to me, then nothing. I was just chilling near the altar with a bloody face. "Hakkai!!! This involves you too!! What are you so scared of!? Your sister's about to get murdered!! You're gonna protect Yuzuha, aren't you?!

Now Takemichi get's punched across the face. "They're the one's who tried to kill me... In the first place!!". "EEK!". I did not expect Taiju to pick up a pew and throw it at Takemichi. It missed him by a few centimetres and he continued to shout a few things about siblings etcetera etcetera and then... "RAAH!!".

Since when was Mitsuya here?

A love Once cherished Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora