Chapter 18 Nobody won and Baji was a bad boy

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We continued to fight, until most of each groups members were down. “Agh-I’m beat!”. “Heeeey, I’m done for”, grinned Nahoya as he was carried by Muto. Ooh lala. What a fine specimen……… maybe I should take a closer look later on. “Looks like he busted up his foot”. “Oh-you seen Mikey?”. “Over there”, Baji gestured towards where Shuji and Manjiro stood. “Haha. I knew it, this is so tiresome. Mikey, you ain’t even out of breath? What are you, a monster?”. “Shut up and die already”. *brrrrr!*. Kushu pulled up on his bike in front of Hanma. “Hanma-san, it’s about time”. “Gotcha. Mikey!!! Soon, we’re gonna form the most badass biker gang in all of Kanto!! VALHALLA!! And I’ll be Valhalla’s first Vice President, Hanma Shuji. Remember this Mikey. From now on, Toman shall not know peace!”. He whispered something else to Mikey, which made him clench his jaw, before getting on and driving away. *weeewooooweeewooo!*. All of us started to scram, including me, as we heard the ambulance arriving. I started to dash back home, but was stopped by a hand. “Don’t think, that you can escape from it, Xeno”. Freezing from Baji’s words, I shake him off and run away. He can’t possible know, right? He probably wanted to make me angry. There’s no way he can know. Those thoughts reran in my head, until I got back home. Shaking off the Valhalla uniform, I hide it and throw on some casual clothes just before my phone starts to ring. “Xeno! Draken’s at the hospital, he got stabbed! Please, come quick!”. “I’m on my way”. Shutting off the call, I run to my Corona and start heading towards the nearest hospital. Parking near the entrance, I hop off and go around the crowd if Toman members. Dashing into the corridor, I put on a worried face as I saw Takemichi, Emma, Hina, The Mizo mid 4, Mitsuya, Peh and……… Mikey. “What happened”. “Draken’s in cardiac arrest”. Those words made me freeze as everything went dark around me. It……….wasn’t supposed to happen like this. He said they wouldn’t kill him……….. “xe……”. “……n…..”. “Xeno!”. Mitsuya’s voice was the thing that pulled me back to reality. “Xeno are you okay?”, questioned Takemichi as I tried to compose myself. I can’t let them find out I was part of what happened today. “Yeah. I’m fine” *ding!*. We all stood up with bated breath as the surgeon came out. “……….it was hard………but we stopped his life from ending. The operation was a success. “Fuck…….YEAAAHHHH!”. I felt my lip tremble as all the tension left my body, thank god the beanpoles alive. “Keep it down, dumbass”. Emma and Hina sobbed on each other’s shoulders as the doctors left us. Seeing Mikey was gone, I decided to go and comfort him, since it was the least I could do for going against them. Seeing he was around the buildings corner as everyone celebrated, I came up and knelt down beside him as he broke down. “Thank god…..Ken-chins alive”. I just held him close as he sobbed onto my shoulder. The moisture seeping into the fabric as I looked up at the moon. I need to try……… and prevent more deaths…….. cause for a person like him. Death means nothing if he can’t achieve his goal. He’ll take down everyone in his path. Unknown to me, part of the reason why Mikey was shaking wasn’t because of worry. No………… it was mostly out of anger because of what Hanma said,


“From now on Toman shall not know peace!……… and we’ll make sure to take Xeno-kun with us. He’ll be our little slave”.


He couldn’t let that happen. No………. He wouldn’t let that happen. Since Xeno already belonged to them.



“Hey Baji, why’d you call all of us here? Especially in Draken’s hospital room”, asked Mitsuya boredly sat on a chair. “I don’t care, as long as I’ve got Dorayaki”. “Xeno’s a traitor”. “Hey, Baji. Be careful with your words…….. or else I’ll rip your tongue out”, growled Draken as the three glared at Baji. Last night, during the Musashi festival, you left Xeno after you got a phone call right?”. “Yeah”. “We’ll, I was watching over him and saw a figure talking to him after you left. After that, he went into the forest and changed into the Valhalla uniform. It was the guy who wore the mask and who fought like a beast”. “Yeah, but where’s your proof, Baji?”, Mitsuya cooly asked as he takedown in annoyance. “Right here”, he grinned as he dropped the picture he took of Xeno in the woods. And not one. It looked like his hand ‘accidentally’ slipped. “……….that brat. He may be older than us……….but he should know better than to change in the middle of the woods”, chided Draken as he hungrily stared at the photo. “………….. We need to do something about this. And I think Hanma knows Xeno too. The guys also obsessed with him. So, Baji…………. You’re going to help us set a trap for Xeno”……….

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