Chapter 32 Tiddies

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The next day saw me and Takemichi standing outside of Mitsuya’s school. “So this is Mitsuya-kun’s school. He called me out here for something. But he sure is taking his sweet time”. “Hey Takemitchy!”. “That voice”. Boy does it grate on my ears. “Peh-yan-kun?!!”. Damn that shirts gaudy. But I kinda like it. “Wait, you go to the same middle school as Mitsuya-kun?!”. “Yeah. C’mon. Mitsuya’s got his hands full right now. So I came to get you instead. I mean, he is our Captain. We walked down the hallway and a few people occasionally stopped to glance at us, but I’m positive that it’s because of Peh’s shirt. Him and Pah really do share the same braincell. I should visit him soon. “Here it is!”. “Huh? The home ec room?”. “I just can’t stand that girl. “Huh? That girl?”. The door slammed open as a girl with braids met us. “Hold it, Hayashi-Kun!!”. “Urk!”. “Are you here to cheat the club leader out of his time again!? He’s busy now, so leave!!”. “No!”. “What’s with that dumb shirt anyways?!  Don’t you know your stupid outfits always make the teachers suspicious of you?!”. “What’s going on?”. “Leader! It’s Hayashi-kun again!!”. “Huh?! Mitsuya-Kun!”. “Hey Takemitchy. Chill out Yasuda-san. I asked Peh-yan to do something for me”. “You’re the only delinquent I don’t hate leader!”. I swear this girl is getting on my nerves. “Leader?… Mitsuya-Kun?”. “Yeah. Cmon in”. We went inside and saw a bunch of girls working on some stitching. I can’t believe Takashi’s hobby is still sewing and designing clothes. He’s even become the leader of the home economics club. “Hold on Takemitchy. It’ll be ready in a sec”. “S-sure. What’ll be ready…? Is he making something? Why’d he want me to come here anyway?”. “Your gang uniform”. “Huh?”. “Better appreciate it. Mitsuya has personally been working on your uniform”. “Mitsuya-kun’s making my…?”. “You are the first other than the founding members right. Mitsuya?”. “For us, our most formal wear… is our gang uniforms! This is my way of showing thanks Takemitchy. For saving Draken on the battle of 8/3. And for snapping us back to our senses during Bloody Halloween. So I wanted to make damn sure…that I’d be the one to make your uniform. “Thank you very much!”. Aw how cute. “It’s no big deal… I’m doing this because I want to”. While Takashi was working on his stuff I decided to go for a walk around the class. I saw girls working on different projects but there was a particular person that caught my eye. It was another male. At the back he sat and worked on one of the sewing machines and by the looks of it he was making a dress. It was really pretty. The embroidery was so derealised and the stitching was superb. I should ask Takashi about him.

“It’s done! Try it on Take itchy!”. “Okay!”. “I can’t wait for tomorrows meeting”. After Mitsuya did Takemitchy’s fitting, Michi and Peh walked out of the room and the other members also leaving since club time was over. “I also made a uniform for you, Xeno”. “Hm? But I have my old one?”. “Huh. Will it fit though?”. On second thought, I do need a new one. “Come over here. Try it on”. He took out a Toman uniform and handed it to me. It was a bit tight but not too bad. But my chest was too big and caused the uniform’s buttons to have trouble closing”. “I was sure I had the measurements right. Let me go check if I have anymore fabric. I watched him go into the storeroom and took that moment to blush heavily. My chest was exposed thanks to the buttons popping off and there was no way to close them. In front of Takashi too. How humiliating. “I’m sorry Xeno. I’ve got no fabric left I’m afraid. You’ll have to attend the meetings like that for now. Sorry. I’ll get a new one  made as soon as possible”. Don’t worry Takashi. I guess I’ll have to go like this”. I left Takeshi to his devices and left the school, stopping by a vending myself to get a drink. My phone pinged and I opened it to see a message. “Club Midnight in Roppongi. 6”. It was a message from a phone number I didn’t recognise. But I recognised the place. It was a club I used to go to a while back. I wonder who sent this to me.

The next day was the meeting with Toman and I felt a lot of stares on my chest and buttocks as the uniform hugged me like a swimsuit. The most noticeable part was my chest as the rip somehow became wider and exposed more of my chest. I’m pretty sure If I bend over the whole suit will rip. There were whispers as Takemichi strode towards the front. “Doesn’t suit you at all!”, commented Draken while grinning at TAKEMICHI’S bashful face. “I know right? Totally feels like somebody dressed me up!”. “Once again. Welcome to the Tokyo Manji gang”. “Yes?! Thank you very much!,”. “Yeah. The meeting will start! This meetings gonna be an important one for you. So prepare yourself!”. I got chills as I saw  Hanma as well as Chifuyu join in Mikey on the steps. “Today’s meeting will be a bumpy ride. We’re here to conclude Bloody Halloween!”.

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