Chapter 21 I timetravelled and ended up in a bath house.

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After attending Hina’s funeral, and receiving a clover necklace from her mother, me and Naoto parted ways for a days until he contacted me, saying to meet in a prison. “You haven’t contacted me since then, so I wondered what was up. This is a prison isn’t it? Why are we here?”, I asked him as I sat on a chair, in front of a glass screen. “When I did my research…… I discovered that Ken Ryuguji isn’t part of Toman in the present. That said, there was also no record of his death…….. I couldn’t find him, no matter how hard I looked. Ken Ryuguji…… Is currently on death row. “Long time no see, Takemitchy”, greeted Draken, as he sat on the other side of the glass, in a suit and a gleaming, shaved head. “Glad you’re doing all right”. “Draken-kun!”. “Hello. I’m Naoto Tachibana”. “He’s the guy who set this visit up for us”, I explained as he replied with an I see. “So, what is it?”. “I didn’t know….. that you had committed murder and been condemned to death. What happened to you? Why would you murder someone, Draken-kun…? What happened to Toman?”. ……………. “Takemitchy. I don’t regret what I did. And being here is just what I deserve. Toman ended up like this……. Because of me. Because I didn’t stop that one guy”. “That one guy?”, I muttered to myself as Draken went on with a smile. “Toman. It was so much better when we were kids. All we did was run a round, trying to make the gang bigger. We brawled like crazy. It was like a party every single day. Toman was……. Everything to me. If I could redo my life, I’d choose to live the same way. I got no regrets”. Draken-kun……. Is still Draken-kun. He hasn’t changed a bit. “But……. If I could really do my life over…… there’s one thing that I’d absolutely have to do. I’d kill Kisaki!”. Kisaki?! Kisaki Tetta?! “You mean that Kisaki?!”, I shouted as I slammed my hands onto the panel.

*BZZZT* “Times up”, announced an officer as he walked in. “Takemitchy. Get the hell out of Tokyo. You almost got killed right? That’s why you came to see me. When it comes to Kisaki, killing people……. Is like squashing bugs to him”. “Wait a minute! Why?! Why’s there someone out to kill me?!”, I bombarded him with those questions as he paused in his walk to the door……. “Kisaki adored Mikey. But before we knew it, that changed to hatred. Kisaki….. wants to take everything Mikey holds dear………. Because Mikey, had the adoration of Xeno”. “Huh? What does Xeno have to do with this?”. “Xeno. Was everything to us. To Me, to Mikey, to Toman………. And to Kisaki. We wanted him. We wanted to have him by our sides forever. But……….. he never understood that. So Kisaki used him as bait. He promised us that Xeno would become ours…… and that’s all we ever wanted. Before I knew it, we were all committing crimes and doing drugs, just so we could have Xeno in our hands……. But Kisaki knew I was becoming a problem, so made sure I’d end up here. That’s all there is to it”, he finished and walked away, as a sense of dread filled me. When he was talking about Xeno, he sounded……. Obsessed. Like nothing mattered except him……. He reminded me…….. of Kisaki.


“I can’t believe Draken-kun’s on death row. Naoto….. just what kinda guy……is Kisaki? Tetta Kisaki. He currently holds one of the most important positions in the Tokyo Manji gang as Acting Leader. He’s likely the one perpetrating the repeated murdering of my sister. The police are putting all our efforts into the investigation, but we can’t find any leads”, Naoto sighed as he slumped in his chair. “I didn’t even meet him once in the past. As much as I wanna beat this guy, we don’t even know where he is. Naoto……. There’s really no other way around it! I’ve……. Gotta become Toman’s leader!”. “You were serious about that? I thought you were just trying to cheer me up”. “But it’s the only way, right?! If I become Toman’s leader, I can stop Kisaki. The , I’ll be able to save Draken, Mikey, Hina…… everyone! Gotta do things differernt this time. I’ve gotta attack the root of it all! I’ve thought it over. With Pah-chin-Kun gone…… the 3rd division doesn’t have a captain now. I’ll aim for that!”…………… “What an utterly reckless idea”, Naoto grumbled out while looking at me like I grew a second head. “I’m not saying I can solve this like magic. I just think this is the only way”. “I understand. Takemichi-kun, one way or another…’ve succeeded in this mission so far. I trust you. It might be…… a long journey this time”. “Yeah?. We clasped hands as the same feeling of plummeting and electricity running through me appeared . Why did Idump Hina? Why was Hanma there when Hina was killed? Why was Draken put on death row? Who exactly is Kisaki? And where does Xeno end up in all of this? All these questions, scattered like puzzle pieces……. I’ll snap the together and tear it all apart!!


I opened my eyes, only to be met with steam, warm water, and people in the same place. Wha?! What the hell am I in a bath house?!

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