Chapter 28 Betrayal

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“Okay then. A five on five it is”. “Five representatives from each group please step forward!”, Hansen declared as he finally stood up. Me, Hanma, Kazutora, Chonbo and Chome walked up to the centre. Our opponents were Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Muto and Smiley. “Fighters! Begin!”. The ten of us raced at each other and took on an opponent. My opponent was Smiley. “Heh Heh! Die!”. I dodged each vicious punch and kick sent my way as I landed some hits on him. I didn’t feel much regret as it was my duty as I signed a contract. Kazutora was facing off against Mikey, Hanma against Draken and Chonbo and Chome against Mitsuya and Muto. “Get over here!”, shouted Hanma in glee as the rest of Valhalla started to run after us. “What!? They’re cheating! Let’s go help our commanders!”, shouted one of the Toman members as they all ran at the Valhalla members. Smiley was taken on by cannon fodder as I quickly slipped past and headed towards some Toman members. I took them down easily and then headed to more opponents. “AAAARGH!! LETS FUCKING DO THIS! Come and get me, assholes!! I’m gonna kick… all your asses!”,rang out across the whole area which caused me to momentarily lose conspcentration and get hooked across the face. All the Toman members started to start up, not complaining anymore as their will to fight returned. We continued to fight until a large thud was heard and then “MIKEY!!!”. I turned to look at the pile of cars and saw Mikey bleeding as Kazutora stood next to him wielding a pipe. I knew he said he’d kill him but… I didn’t think he’d actually do it. Mikey slowly stood up and talked to Kazutora, but I couldn’t hear them since I was quite far away from them. “If you kill people, that makes you a bad guy. But… if you kill enemies… that makes you a hero!!”.



What happened to my sweet cinnamon roll? Why did he become a person with the personality of a serial killer? He’s no longer just a banana. He’s an angry banana now. Then Chome and Chonbo held Mikey as Kazutora whipped the pipe back and forth across Mikey’s face. Causing blood to drip down. But I couldn’t do anything, I was bound by a contract. Draken and the others tried to reach him but were held back by Valhalla members. I too had to prevent them from going near them. Then thankfully, Mikey shook both of them of and kicked Kazutora in the head, making him drop onto the car roof. But seconds after that Mikey fell to his knees, eyes rolled back in his head as I knew he lost too much blood. “Follow me men!! We’re gonna curbstomp Mikey!! Let’s go!”, shouted Chozi as I had follow him as well since there was no one for me to beat up. I thought I would enjoy this but.. it just made my heart ache from the pain of seeing my loved ones getting beaten up. What would Shinichiro say?


“Xeno-kun…. How could you?”. “Don’t worry Shinichiro. He’ll get back to his senses. But on the bright side, at least those little shits can’t keep Xeno to themselves after this! They’ll lose all trust in him!”, Takeomi tried to cheer the black haired male up as Wakasa nodded in agreement. “When they finally leave Xeno he’ll be all alone, and we’ll be the ones to pick all of the pieces up and put him back together again. Except this time he’ll only have eyes for us and will never come into contact with Toman or any other gang, ever. Again”. “Yeah. So this is in our favour”. I shook my head at Benkei’s words. ‘In our favour?’ Him too? I thought that at least he would see common sense but I guess not. “Alright. Let’s just watch for now”.


“YOUR BOSS’ HEAD IS MINE!!”, Chozi shouted as he finally made it. He jumped, and prepared to swing but at the last second Kisaki ran in and punched Chozi in the face. “Tokyo Manji Gang, third division captain. Tetta Kisaki. My division.. will protect our gangs leader!”. He sounded so sincere, but I knew it was fake as he discussed this before the fight. Praise was thrown left and right as they saw Kisaki in a bright light, not even wondering where he was the whole fight. “Kisaki!! Good work!”. Not you too Fraken… this is why tall people are idiots. They’ve got a lot going for height, but not much for brains! “I’ll leave Mikey to you!,”. OH COME ONE!! I can see emotional damage written over Takemichi’s face which caused me to purse my lips as to not release any sounds. “I was waiting for this. Kisaki!!”.


Baji came out of nowhere and smacked Kisaki away using a metal pipe. “Kisaki?! I’m gonna rearrange your fucking face!!”. “Stop it! Baji!!”, Draken called out but could barely be heard over the deafening roars of Valhalla members. Baji.. why? Why are you doing this? I know Kazutora’s your friend.. but why are you going against your own family?… You can hit Kisaki though. I’m cool with that. But then Kisaki’s bodyguard smacked Baji out of the way. “You all right Kisaki-san?”. He stood up with his glasses broken and blood dripping down his face. “Buzzing, buzzing.. like a damn fly circling around me. Swat him dead”.

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