Chapter 38 Memories

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I didn't resist as Taiju dragged me inside his house, Kokonoi and Inui following closely behind. "Stay in here, bitch". He threw me into a spare room which was empty except for a small bed in the corner.

The door was locked shut as I was left all alone in the dark. Footsteps receding as I curled up on the bed. Maybe if I hadn't lied that day to him, maybe... No. I did what I had to. I'll take any punishment he decides to dish out.


I still remember that day, I was still small when I met him. Although my parents were assassins, they were committed to the church and went to a ceremony each Sunday. But this time was different as they were away for work and forced me to go either way.

I was sitting on a wooden bench in the church, my hands in prayer as the bishop finished speaking. "That concludes the ceremony. May god be with you and in your hearts". 

Bowing to the statue of jesus one last time I headed out. Ugh. I seriously hate these things. I don't even believe in god and the heavens etc etc. And yet they make me come here. Walking out, I didn't know what to occupy myself with as I would only be collected in e few hours.

Luckily there was a gigantic tree outside the church which was calling me. Scaling it with ease, I rested on a branch with my back against the trunk dozing off to the chirp of birds and the occasional car passing by.

That is, until a heavy weight and even heavier muttering which roused me from my sleep. "Please accept my words of worship to you, my lord". "He can't hear you y'know?". The boy looked at all sides before looking up.

His incessant muttering had caused one of my eyes to open to the size of a slit. It was enough to fully see him although the sun hurt my eye. "Huh? Who're you to tell me what is real and what's not?", he sneered as I studied him carefully.

Black hair cut to chin length,piercing blue eyes and a permanent scowl etched onto his face. "Hm. Who indeed. I'm Xeno, and you?". ... "Shiba Taiju".

"As for who I may find that out another time. But for now, how bout you keep me company". "E-eh?". "Keep me company. And maybe I'll tell you who I am". "Do you think this is a joke!?". "Oh my god! You're adorable!".

We spent the entire day together, although I kept getting on his nerves and smacked around a few times. Eventually, we spent more and more time together after church until that day came...

"Hey, I'm gonna be gone for a bit so I won't be able to see you". We were sitting at a small creek, basking in the chirping of wildlife and the still air. "Huh? Where?". "Somewhere not here". ... "Will we still talk to each other?". "Of course we will! I won't be gone for long".

That's what I told him. But I never saw or heard from him again. He must believe I abandoned him. But that was never the case. I've missed our chats all this time, as well as our petty fights

If only I hadn't lied to him, since I knew we wouldn't see or hear from each other. Then we could've avoided this whole ordeal.

Judas. A fitting name. The man who betrayed god who believed he was his friend. Indeed, I have betrayed him my friend.

All these thoughts went through my head as I lay in the darkened room. There's no-one to save me now.

"Get up, Judas". My eyes stung slightly as I woke up from the nap. Although my face stung more from the slap Taiju delivered to my face. "It's time to atone for your sins".


"Hakkai, what do you mean The Black Dragons have Xeno?". Hakkai stood bowed in front of Mitsuya as he felt his raging fury. He also blamed himself for what happened, if only he wasn't so afraid of Taiju. He could've prevented Xeno from being held captive. "Answer me, Hakkai. How could you let this happen?".

"I-I'm sorry Taka-chan. Xeno willingly went with him so I, I thought that-". "That what, Hakkai? That you would leave Xeno with that monster? This is unforgivable you'll be faced with a trial from the captains and vice captains. Pray that you're not kicked out and that Xeno is safe and sound".

"I... I understand".


Who knew Taiju's first punishment would be to clean the house top to bottom? "You'd better hurry, because I've got you on a timer. If you fail to finish cleaning in that time then your next task will be three times as hard".

He then left me to work, putting a timer on the table as he took a seat on the couch. "Go on then. Get to it". Looking at the timer, I had 20 minutes to complete the task. So I started with the dusting and sweeping. Afterwards, I mopped the floor as well as cleaned up the bedrooms.

That already took 10 minutes which left me with 10 more. The bathrooms came next with the kitchen and sitting room. I just finished in time as it rang.


"Times up!". He went around to inspect as I sat down to catch my breath. Trying to clean a house in 20 minutes isn't a small feat you know. "Tch. Lucky this time. But you won't be so lucky next time". Even a prisoner would've gotten better treatment than me as he threw me back into the windowless room.

They at least get to go outside, even if for an hour. "Here, Judas. This is all you're going to get". A bowl of water, and another full of rice was placed down in front of me before the door was locked tight.

"Treated like a dog, why am I not surprised. This is something Taiju would definitely do. Fufufu".

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