Chapter 27 - 5 on 5

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“Why’d you call me out here… on such short notice…Draken?”. “Been a long time, Kazutora. This fight that’s coming up. You wanna call it off? Whether you win or lose… I won’t be happy either way. I don’t get it Kazutora. Why do you hate Mikey?…

Mikey gave a good testimony for you, you know? You got out early thanks to that. How do you think he felt when- SHUT UP”, interrupted Kazutora as his eye twitched. “Two years… two precious years of my life… spent inside those walls. I’m no longer… the person I was back then”. “But I’m still… your friend!”. Kazutora ignored him and walked past him. “That’s what I hate about you. Toman’s getting crushed the day after tomorrow”. “Mikey doesn’t want this!”.

“You’re a great actor I must admit. As if you care about the fight, you two only care about Xeno don’t you!?”. “And you don’t?”, Draken asked with an irk mark. “.. I’d be lying if I said I don’t… that’s the reason Baji joined Valhalla… isn’t it? You guys found out about Xeno being part of Valhalla.

You’re too late though. Xeno is under the command of Hanma now. You’ve got no power over him”. “We’ll see about that”.


A few days have passed and it was the day where Valhalla would face off against Toman. Mikey tried to get me to come but I said I was busy that day. I couldn’t tell him that I was part of Valhalla. “He haaaa! It’s party time. Toman and Valhalla ain’t worth shit!”. “Good to see you Sir!!”, his men shouted before bowing beside him. “I’m the one overseeing todays fight. The names Hansen from the Ikebukuro Criminal Black Members. You guys ready to throw down!?”. I put on my mask while a glowing Hanma stood beside me, Kazutora on my other side. “”Are you excited, Kazutora?”. “.. I finally get to kill Mikey I’m shuddering from the excitement”. 911 can you take them away? “FIGHTERS! MAKE YOUR ENTRANCE!! TOKYO MANJI GANG!


We all entered the car dump, the two teams facing off against each other. Our flags were raised as the top dogs had a staring competition. I looked around the place as two figures caught my eye. A guy with plaits hair in black and blonde, the other had bright blue and blonde hair put up in a messy hairstyle. Isn’t that, Ran and Rindou? Heard they took control of Roppongi now. Too bad they don’t remember me.


“Hey Aniki. Isn’t that Xeno?”. The teen with braids on each side of his head looked in the direction of a masked figure. “Hmm. It seems Xeno has something to hide. There’s something more to this… Fufufufu. Don’t worry Rindou, we’re going to see him after this fight anyways”.

“Hansen! First off, I’d like to thank you… for overseeing this fight today”. “Hah. If this fight sucks I’m kickin all your asses. Both teams representatives, step forward!”. Kazutora and Draken stepped forward while glaring at each other. “A five on five with your best guys… or an all out melee with everyone…? Which will it be?”. “Valhalla picked this fight with us. So, you decide, Kazutora”. “Huh?”. “We just have one condition! To rescue Keisuke Baji! If Toman wins this battle…. We will take Baji back. That’s all there is to it!!”. “Huh? Baji joined our gang on his own. There’s no taking him back now!!”. “We’re taking Baji back!! That’s all there is to it!!”. “You fucker… think you’re hot shit?”, Kazutora gritted out through his teeth as the tension rose and Hansen decided to intervene. “Hey. Don’t start punching just yet”. Kazutora lost his patience and struck Hansen on the face before punching him in the gut. “HAGHCK!”. “Da~mn what a lame ass…. Overseer? Condition? You guys think this is a game? We came here…. To torture you punks to death!!”. “Shall we begin, Mikey!?”. “Let’s do this Toman!!”. “Hold up! We didn’t say we’d have an all out melee, did we?”, smirked Kazutora as he tilted his head causing his bell earring to jingle. “Huh?”. “We’re going to have a five on five battle, since we get to choose which one, isn’t that right Hanma?”. “Yep! Unless of course you’re too scared, Mikey!”. Everyone was wondering what trick Valhalla had up their sleeve, if they think they can win against the five strongest from Toman. “Okay then. A five on five it is”.

A love Once cherished जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें