Chapter 14 We're all gonna die

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Oh shit! The fight between Toman and Moebius is starting!! “You brought a lot of people just to ambush some middle schoolers. You’re just as shitty as I imagined you’d be Osanai-kun”, Mikey spoke dully as he stood up from the crate. “HUH?! Can’t hear ya you’re too shrimps!”, Osanai shouted as he cupped his ear with a grin. The rest of the Moebius members laughed out loud as we all just watched them. Just like he imagined? He’s totally different from what I imagined. Osanai from 12 years in the future……. And past Osanai. Are they really the same person?! What turned him into such a sad sack?! “Hey”. My eyes flicked up to Osanai’s as he glared at me. “The fuck do you think you’re starin’ at punk?”. “Uh…? I, uh…”. He walked up to me and gave me a punch across the jaw. “You were looking down on me, weren’t you? I hate that look more than anything else”. Another two punches were aimed at me and was prepared for another one before Pah grabbed Osanai’s arm. “Your fights with me, asshole”. “D-…don’t Pah-chin. Don’t fight with Moebius…..”. Pah just pushed me back and stood in front of Osanai alone. “Stay outta this”. I just slumped down onto the floor next to Peh. “Pah-chin ain’t weak, Hanagaki. He’s one of Toman’s best fighters. He’s the kind of guy who takes on entire teams solo and kicks all their asses. No way he’s gonna lose”……. “That’s not the problem”. If this goes on…… Draken’s gonna die! Akkun and Hina also! I gotta stop this but…… damn it! “Takemitchy”. I look up and see Mikey watching the fight. “Sit back and watch. This is Pah’s fight. “Raaah!”. Pah sent a punch towards Osanai but at the last second Osanai sent a a punch towards Pah’s face. “NGH!”. “Hahaha. What’s wrong?”. “Bastard….! So you do a little boxing huh…?”. A punch connected with Pah’s face as he wobbled. “Oh shit! He took that  full-on!”. “That punch…… couldn’t even kill an ant”. Oh no….. he’s losing it. “No way after just one good hit…?! Osanai’s a beats….!! Pah-chin!”. “Peh! I said to sit back and watch, didn’t I?”. I saw Peh tremble at Mikey’s orders so I decided to speak up. “Sit back and watch? Mikey-ku . How can you be so cruel?! Pah-chins nose is broken, he’s barely conscious! Pah-chin’s gonna die! You gotta stop this!”. “Why? He hasn’t given up yet”. He’s smiling?! How could you, Mikey-kun? This is torture. Osanai gave the last hit as Pah lost conscious while still standing. “Hey! He just passed out standing up!”. Pah stumbled over to Mikey and leaned on his shoulder. “Sorry Mikey. I’m such a pussy”. “What’re you saying? Listen. You haven’t lost”. “HUH?!”, the Moebius members exclaimed. “The hell’re you saying?!”. “How the hell did he not lose that fight?”. “Don’t be so fuckin stupid!”. “Hey Mikey, get down on your knees and beg!”. “Not like we’ll forgive you though!”. Calls rang out as Moebius members insulted Toman. Mikey just calmly walked up to Osanai as he also jeered him. Even Mikey-kun can’t take on a guy like Osanai. “You’ll be dead in ten sec-“. The next second Osanai was on the floor as Mikey lowered his foot. “HUH?!!”. “Everyone who thinks Pah-chin lost….. step forward……… So I can kill you. Toman belongs to me. Anyone who’s behind me……… will never lose”. Then his face changed completely and gone was the dark look and replaced with a smile. “Sorry Ken-chin. I couldn’t help it”. “Nothing stops you, does it, Mikey?” “Raaagh!!”. “Osanai!”. Draken quickly came in between him and Mikey, twisting his hand into the air so the bottle wouldn’t do any harm. “Osanai. I’ll tell you why you lost. You strayed from the path of a true delinquent. You attacked a guys parents and raped his girlfriend. Things only scum would do. Hey!! Next time you try this shit again? I’ll track down each and every one of you and kill you myself! Your boss was beaten by our boss, Mikey!! Anybody got a problem with that?!! If nobody does………then from now on, Moebius will be affiliated with the Tokyo Manji gang!”. Wow…… they won! So, this is how Toman got bigger and bigger. *ree-roo! Red-roo!*. “Shit, the cops”. “What?! The police?!”, I shouted as the sound kept getting louder and louder. “Are they here to celebrate our victory?”. “Let’s get out of here Takemitchy!”. “O-okay!”. “Hey assholes!”. The Moebius members turned around at Draken’s shout. “Don’t just escape on your own. Someone’s gifts carry Osanai out!”. “Y-…yeah!”. I remember Osanai’s words ‘That conflict was just the start of it all’. That’s what Osanai said, but the fight ended without incident. ‘Just the start’…. Am I missing something? *thunk*. I turned around and my eyes widened as I saw Pah stabbing Osanai. “You’re not getting off so easily…….. Osanai. “Aghagh!”. Draken shoved Pah and started to demand an explanation for his actions, “What the fuck are you doing, Pah?!!”. Mikey turned around and I saw his eyes widen at the scene. “Pah… you just…!”. “Pah-chin? Where’d you get a knife?”. “What…? He stabbed him?!”. “Osanai. Osanai!”. “Osanai-kin?”. “No way!! He really stabbed him!!”. *Ree-roo red-roo!* “We gotta run, Pah!”. “Sorry….. Mikey. Peh-Yan. Take care of the 3rd division for me. I’m giving myself up”. “The hell you are!”. “Quit standing around!”. “I won’t leave him!”. Draken grabbed Mikey and started to run with him, even though Mikey kept shouting. “Pah! Come with us!”. “We’re all goons get arrested!”. “PAH!”.  I also followed them, just as the police arrived.

In the shadows, someone put a cloth around Pah’s face and caught him as he dropped. “Idiot. Like I’d ever let one of you get arrested”.

“Aaah! Fuck!”. Why did it end up like this? Crap…… I’m gonna…. *thud*. Everything went black as I dropped to the ground. Only hearing the faint sound of someone shouting my name.

I slowly opened my eyes only to realise I was in a white room.. Where am I? I stretched out as my hand connected with something squishy. Turning to the side I quickly retracted my hand since I was groping Emma’s boob. “Emma-chan! That was a complete accident!”. Wait….. the hospital? Oh yeah…….. I…. Passed out while we were running away.  “Where are Mikey-kun and the others?!”. “….I got a call from Draken. When I ran to meet him, you were there. *sniff* He and Mikey have started fighting……. What? But that’s……. “Wh-why are they fighting?”. “I don’t know. And it keeps getting worse. Now there’s a Mikey side and a Draken side. Toman’s been ripped in two”. No way…… “Everyone’s fighting over wether Pah-chin…… should’ve been arrested, or something like that”. Toman’s infighting…. ‘That conflict was just the start of it all’. It happened just like he said it would! While I was out, too. Emma slumped down onto me lap and began to sob as I tried to comfort her, “Emma-chan…. Don’t cry… Draken’s okay right? I just don’t understand what’s going on anymore”. *fwish*. “Takemichi-Kun  are you alright? Uh? Whuh?! What the? That’s disgusting!!”. “Hm what is?”. Then I realised what type of position we were and started to make Hina understand.  “I-it’s not what it looks like Hina!”.

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