Chapter 11 A meeting, a greeting and a plan of stalking

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I looked around my old house. The cleaners took great care of it since there was not a single speck of dust. Putting down my luggage I waited for my friend to also get in.

“SHINICHIRO! Hurry up!”. “I’m coming I’m coming!”. He panted as he dropped my boxes and bags onto the floor before wiping off some sweat. “What the hell did you put in them?! They weigh a ton!”. I smile innocently and reply

“Just some weapons. Now I got some info that Toman is holding a meeting in an hour. Wanna go see how Mikey and the others grew up?”. Tears welled in his eyes as he hugged me to the point where I couldn’t breathe. “Thank you so much Xeno! I knew you cared about me!”.

Pushing off the 20 something year old I glared and shivered in disgust. “Who said I cared about you? Now help me get these upstairs. Then we can go to the shrine".


“What do you mean by little coward?”, asked Hina carefully but you can see that she was infuriated. “Wait, Hina! Its not what you think!”. “He saw me in my underwear and ran away". “Its just a big misunderstanding!”. Out of nowhere she took out a bat and beat me up.

Kneeling in front of her with tears running down my face I wailed “I’m sorry!”. “Don’t care". “Scary", muttered Emma as she watched Hina walk away.

“Even when you had a girl like that you took a swing at me. Don’t get it wrong. I only did it because I wanted to become an adult quicker. I’m starting to hate him".

I saw that she was looking towards Mikey's and Draken's direction as she continued. “All he cares about is Mikey, bikes, getting into fights and also him. . . . . I just don’t understand why they can’t over that guy! So I wondered if he’d get mad".

I see........ Emma-chan was trying to make Draken-kun jealous. At any rate......a woman’s heart is a mystery. “Takemitchy! You done?”, called Draken as I ran towards him.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting". “Hey gather round!!! The meeting is starting!”. I followed awkwardly behind them as everyone bowed in two rows on the left and on the right. “GOOD WORK PRESIDENT!”.

The atmosphere changed drastically just from Mikey standing at the front. That’s Toman's leader. I stood to the side of the stairs as Mikey stood at the top.

“We’re gathered here today because of the Mobius incident. When they clash with us it’s gonna be a big dispute. A dispute with Mobius!? What the fuck is a mobius? I didn’t hear about this from Naoto!?

“If we do clash its gonna be around the time of the musashi festival. Now then. Let me hear what everyone thinks”. Mikey just smiled as Draken gestured for Mitsuya to explain. “Alright".

After he explained to me I stood there in shock after realising that there were more gangs in this era other than Toman. “And about that dispute.....”. “WHAA!”. I fell to the floor as a foot pushed me to the floor.

“You’re Hanagaki aren’t you?”, asked a man with a scat as his buddy leaned into my face. “You took care of Kiyomasa who’s in our squad didn’t ya?!”. “How you planning to pay for the bets we lost?”.

I shook in fear as Mitsuya came over to help. “Cut it out. Don’t start a fight with the presidents guest Pah. The Kiyomasa incident was nothing but him using Toman's name. As he pleased to set up underground fights right?”.

“Hah!? I don’t know about anything because I’m a dumbass!”. “Pah-chins brain is just jello, okay!?”. “If you don’t know don’t but in dumbass!”, shouted the lilac haired captain.

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