Chapter 35 Shocker

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I stared at Xeno in shock as I didn't recognise the person standing at all. A collar was wrapped around his neck, showing the world that he was nothing more than a mere pet. I also followed suit by standing up and bowing to him. "Enough with the stiff formality, guys!", Kisaki grinned while Xeno stayed tight lipped. That's Kisaki? He seems like a different person somehow. "You don't usually show up for our admin meetings... Kisaki-san", drawled Hanma as he straightened up. "I've got some minor business to deal with". I was disturbed when he turned to face me, sending me an unnerving grin. "Takemichi, Chifuyu. Could I have a moment of your time?". "Uh... sure...". Kisaki whispered something into Xeno's ear as he smiled and nodded obediently, walking to a spare seat at the table. Me and Chifuyu had no choice except to follow Kisaki. "Nice place, isn't it? I had this establishment built recently". "Really? Wow". "Go on, have a seat", Kisaki gestured to a seat across from him. "Uh... yes sir!". "Sorry for taking up your time. Take a seat as well, Chifuyu!". "Sorry. I'm in no position to do that". "Haha. Uptight as ever I see", he beamed at us. Tetta Kisaki. Currently one of the most important people in the Tokyo Manji Gang. The acting leader. Despite all the effort police put into investigating, they still can't find a lead on this guy. Is he really the Tetta Kisaki? "We've known each other a long time, haven't we?". "Uh... yeah". "It's been twelve years since I joined Toman... I never thought I'd still hand out with the same friends today... that I had all those years ago". I stared at him in shocked silence. Friends? Us? "Did I say something weird?". "Ah... No!". "Takemichi... Chifuyu... What do you think of me?". "Huh?", the two of us chorused with blank faces. "You hate me, don't you? It was around this time, twelve years ago... when Baji died...that was all... my fault. I set up Bloody Halloween". I knew that, of course... but even so... why is he telling us now? "Using Hanma... I convinced Kazutora Hanemoys to join us... in creating the organisation known as Valhalla. Then, Toman clashed with Valhalla. "Why did you do all that?", whispered Chifuyu as Kisaki started pouring us some drinks. "Because I wanted power. I wanted to achieve something worthy of admiration. If I could settle that conflict, most of them would bow to me. I was desperate. I didn't think Baji would end up dead... I mean it, Chifuyu". Kisaki stood up and did a 90-degree bow. "I'm sorry. I've always wanted to apologise for that. I learned that, after twelve years... friends are... what's really important". "Do you regret... what you did back then?", I asked hesitantly after silence encompassed the room. "I never forgot, not even for a day. You'll probably still hate me. But... have a drink with me, just this once". "Okay". Well, this is unexpected... "To Baji. Let's drink". After taking a gulp I put the glass down hesitantly. "Got any beer?". The two laughed as a thought appeared. Could this be... a really good future? *sigh*. "I haven't had this much fun in a while". "Yeah". ... "Can I say one last thing?". "Huh?". "Earlier... I said that I didn't think Baji would end up dead. That... was a lie". "Huh!?". "I used Kazutora... to kill Baji. And now... I'm continuing from where I left off". Everything swam in my vision, the colours blending until everything was the same pitch black.


I'm in... the same room. I can't move. "What!?". What... is going on here?! Why am I tied to a chair?!


After Kisaki told me to stay with the others, I took my seat in between Hanma and Hakkai. They went back to eating while a waiter brought me a bowl of light soup. I started to take a few sips of it but was interrupted by a hand planting itself on my thigh. "We're you a good boy, Xeno?", smirked Hanma as his hand started rubbing circles into my exposed flesh. "Yes master Shuji". "Good boy". We all continued to eat, even though I didn't eat much, as Nahoya and Haruki continued to banter about rice. I didn't utter a word as I was a mere slave, someone who doesn't have the position to talk without my master's permission. "So Xeno, how have the kids been, treating you well I hope?". "Of course. I love my children very much after all", I reply obediently as the waiters take away all the dirty dishes. All of their attention turned to me as master Shuji's fingertips brushed the band on my underwear. "You do know you still belong to us as well, even though you're married to Kisaki, right?", whispered Nahoya as I realised they wanted me to help them with something. "Of course, I have to serve all of my masters after all". "Good, now for your job...".

Around an hour later I found myself standing at a black door, waiting for it to be opened. *click!*. "Huh? Xeno? What are you doing here?". "Hey Kazutora, it's been a long time". "Aren't you supposed to be with Toman? Why are you here?". "I don't want to talk about it... can I come in?". "Oh! Sorry, of course". Stepping inside the doorway, I make sure to not fully close the door since I need to follow my masters' instructions in order to help them. Kazutora led me to his only room, aside from the bathroom as he lived in a studio. "Take a seat", he gestured at one of the couches in the centre. "Kazutora, I've known you for a long time so I know you wouldn't do things without a reason... so why are you going against Toman?". "You don't understand anything!", he growled out as he slammed a cup down in front of me, calming down after seeing me flinch back. "Sorry... it's just this isn't what me and Baji wanted... We created Toman to protect the people we cared for be it family or friends... We didn't want Toman to deal in trafficking and drugs... Baji wouldn't have wanted this...". "Kazutora... you can't change anything. Working with the police worn help anyone because the police is under their thumb". "I know but... w.... No?". My eyes blinked in and out of focus as Kazutora's words broke off. The colours blended as the room spun until everything turned a blinding white. Memories that weren't mine flashed before my eyes. Of Kazutora lying on the ground, blood gushing from a bullet wound in his head. Chifuyu with blank eyes as blood covered his face. Takemichi in a chair getting his leg shot through... they all flashed before me as white noise filled my head and the next moment I blanked out.


Working with Shinichiro on a bike was always enjoyable, no accidents happened mostly but this time electricity flowed through me as images flashed through my mind in quick bursts of colour. "Xeno, are you okay!?", panicked Shinichiro as he picked me up and lay me down on the couch. "Ugh... it hurts...". "Wait there, I'll get you some water!". Recovering from the electric shock, I tried to grasp at the images but all of them were nowhere to be found. Only some flashes of colour I could still remember. "Here, drink". Taking the glass from Shinichiro I took a gulp of water before lying down. "What happened?". "I-I think I got an electric shock...". Although deep inside I knew it was something else.

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