Chapter 39 Meeting his doom

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"We got all the admins here?". "I had no idea Hakkai was the little bird of The Black Dragons leader". "You knew, right, Mitsuya?", asked Muto, although he already knew the answer.

"The Black Dragons? What a hussle", grinned Hanma as he crossed his arms beside Kisaki. "There's no avoiding it though".


Takemichi and Hakkai entered through a pair of doors as everyone grew quiet.

"As you all know, four days ago...Takemitchy was beaten by the head of The Black Dragons. He committed violence on Takemitchy knowing he's our first division captain. Which mans that this... is a declaration of war by The Black Dragons".

"Cheeky Motherfuckers. Let's stomp their asses", offered Smiley with a grin on his face. "We already crushed The Black Dragons once. It'll be easy , right?".

"We beat the ninth generation before. The tenth generation's totally different", explained Mitsuya as he sighed with Smiley getting more agitated by the second.

"You're missing the point!! It wasn't Takemitchy's fault that he didn't know where The Black Dragon's turf was. So why the hell did you take him there, Hakkai?". "Hey, Hakkai. Are you... acting as a spy for The Black Dragons?! You son of a bitch".

"You're the boss's little bro, aren't ya?".

"Tried to hide that from us, huh?!".

"W...wait just a minute. Hakkai didn't mean to...". "Shut the hell up!", barked Muto quieting down Takemichi in an instant.

"I won't make any excuses. Hate me, beat me, do whatever you want. As his little brother, I'm prepared for the consequences. So leader! I, Hakkai Shiba, Tokyo Manji gang's second division vice-captain... request permission to leave Toman", kneeled Hakkai with a bowed head as he let Mikey decide his fate.

"Is that okay with you?".

After Takemichi's snack fiasco where he handed Mikey food, Mikey finally managed to finish his previous sentence. Even though Chifuyu was laughing internally at Takemichi's defeated form.

"What's your decision, Mikey?", called Draken as all looked towards their leader. Who sat on a platform that overlooked everybody else. "I'll leave it up to Mitsuya, since he's The Second Division Captain".

Mitsuya walked to a defeated Hakkai as the only sound was the thumping of his boots. Everyone observed in a tense silence

"Sorry, Taka-chan. I've already made up my mind".

"Don't look so sad, Hakkai. I understand". "Taka-chan!", he cried as he stood up in surprise from Mitsuya's words.

"It was a pleasure working with you!!", bowed Hakkai out of respect and sadness.

"Huh? What are you saying? I didn't say you could leave", stated Mitsuya as he turned his back to them. "Huh?".

"Let me talk to Taiju!". "Taka-chan...". "What?!". The two were shocked at Mitsuya's statement as they turned to face him, only to see a confident grin on his face.


That was all for the meeting as Takemichi and the vice captains left, leaving the captains and leaders alone. "Why did you want to talk to us, Mitsuya?", questioned Mikey as they all gathered in a group. "Well you see... Taiju may have taken Xeno hostage".




"Mitsuya, if that's a joke. We're not laughing", glared Draken as everybody tensed up. "I wish it was a joke". "Mitsuya I'm leaving it to you to rescue Xeno. If you fail... I'll be sure you won't live another day. Same goes for Hakkai since he's the one who dragged him into this, understand?". "Yes". "Bring him back to me, alive".

"Taka-chan". "Huh?". "Maybe it's not a good idea to meet with Taiju after all. Nothing you can say will get a good result out of him. He's a piece of shit", muttered Hakkai downcast as they trudged to meet up with Taiju. "Would you stop? You always try to handle everything by yourself. By the way... why are they tagging along?", the lilac haired teen gestured at Takemichi and Chifuyu who followed not too far behind.

"What? I was there when it happened". "I'm keeping an eye on him. He's a moron you see", Chifuyu pointed innocently at Takemichi who grew outraged by his statement. "Hey! Who you calling a moron?! I haven't forgotten about your shitty plan!". "Haha. Isn't this a good result though?".


"It's nice to meet you. Taiju-kun". "You're that Mitsuya fucker who's been manipulating my little bro!". "That's quite the accusation". "I'll kill your ass", drawled Taiju as he rested his feet on the glass coffee table with Mitsuya sitting across from him.

"So? What did you wanna tell me? Better keep it short". "I'll give Hakkai to The Black Dragons. I'm not gonna see him again". "What!? You can't be serious, Mitsuya-kun!!", bursted out Takemichi aghast at Mitsuya's bold declaration.

"In exchange set Xeno and Yuzuha free". "Huh?!". "Taka-chan... why are you...?". "Taiju-kun. You're having Yuzuha and Xeno do something, aren't you? Hakkai's been protecting Yuzuha this whole time. From your domestic violence". "What a fucking joke!", grinned Taiju as his eyes twinkled with a sick humour.

"Hakkai's not leaving Toman because he's scared of you. He's doing it to protect Yuzuha!".




Mitsuya managed to block Taiju's hit in the last second causing Taiju to givce a deranged grin. "Hey... not bad". "I'll say it again! I'll give Hakkai to The Black Dragons. So, let Xeno and Yuzuha go!". If you accept these terms, Toman will leave The Black Dragons alone". "And if I refuse?". "Then it's all out war".

"All right", Taiju gave a small grin. "We got a truce!". They both shook hands as Taiju spoke first afterwards. "Though, I don't commit any domestic violence... I'll keep my word. I won't ever hit Yuzuha again".

In the end, they ended up leaving without Xeno. The others stared at Mitsuya in worry as he was as pale as a ghost with sweat rolling down his forehead. He looked completely shaken and neither of them could decide on how to approach him.

"So in the end, Hakkai ended up going to The Blkack Dragons". "Yeah". "But I learned one thing. Hakkai will definitely kill Taiju for Yuzuha's sake".

"Taka-chan". "Thank you. I...".

"Don't hate the situation you're born into, Hakkai".

A love Once cherished Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora