In the office, Jungkook is not able to concentrate on work. He signed the blank papers if it's not Yoongi but someone else then they would have definitely used it for their good. He left the meeting in the middle, he missed the punctuality in an outdoor meeting while they were returning from the meeting the car got punctured. In one word the whole day was cursed for him.

"Are you okay Jungkook?" Yoongi is worried now, because he can see his boss isn't in his usual behavior.

"Get me coffee Hyung" Jungkook said, Yoongi got him a coffee immediately.

Jungkook sips the coffee but he doesn't like the taste, he is really addicted to the coffee prepared by Taehyung, which always washes over his tension and makes him a new fresh person.

"Call Tae to my cabin" Jungkook massaged his head.

"He didn't come to the office today, you don't know?" Yoongi confusingly looked at Jungkook, after all they live in the same house.

"I didn't know, our contract is over" Jungkook said.

"What cont....?" Suddenly the reality hit the assistant.

Yoongi widened his eyes "Th..they really got separated after the contract? I have to tell this to Jimin or he will divorce me for sure" he thought.

He excused himself from Jungkook and took the phone to inform the news to Jimin who literally cursed Jungkook. Jimin took an emergency leave and went to Kim's house to meet Taehyung.

Tae didn't come to the office, which was another disturbance for Jungkook, so he left the office in the middle.

Jhope came to meet Jungkook but he got to know that Jungkook got back home from Yoongi.

"They had a couple fights, don't worry" Yoongi fakely assured, as he didn't want Jhope to be stressed about his brother. 

Tae lying on the floor still crying in the dark room, he didn't even move an inch. He believes in God and there's not a day he doesn't devote the deity but today he has nothing to do.

He didn't eat anything and his brain doesn't take that too, he had gone into deep thought where he forgot himself.

His thoughts running wild, he wishes he didn't meet Jungkook or get into the contract with him so that at least he could have avoided the pain he is facing now, he lost his life once again thinking about his family.

His poor heart refused to believe that the love he got was just for a few months and now it's over just like that. He had no idea what to do next and it's impossible to imagine a life without Jungkook.

He didn't notice the night passed and day almost passed until he heard Jimin's voice from outside the door. He needed his friend now to cry on him.

He stood up opened the door and immediately hugged Jimin who locked the door "He..he.."

"Shh Tae,I'm here" Jimin hugged him.

"He doesn't want me anymore, I felt like dying, I got suicidal thoughts I don't want to live" Tae cried, holding his friend.

"Dying? Is it really worth it?" Jimin got angry, he pushed Tae back, clutching his shoulder.

"You had passed the time where you stood without your father then who is this Jungkook? because of him you think of dying, my Tae is not someone as weak as you" Jimin shook him.

"But I can't Jimin" Tae looked down crying, his strong self totally broken now.

"I know Tae" Jimin pulled him to his arms again "Your crying here but that Jungkook freely works in the office without any feelings"

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