"Ewwwwww." Everybody cringed.

"Oh shut up. Jimin and Hea were kissing minutes ago!"

"Well Hoseok babe, we are the better looking couple here, that's one. Andddd two, it was not a kiss. It was a peck."

"There's literally no difference." He sassed back.

"Yes, there is!" Hea rolled her eyes.

"Hobi, I'll show you the difference later, don't worry." Yoongi patted his boyfriend's thigh.

"Ooooooo." Jungkook exclaimed, obviously enjoying the drama.

"Well let's get outta here hoes!" Hea exclaimed.

"Are you seriously this excited to get out of here? I thought you were joking."

"I never make jokes about wanting to leave school, Taehyung."

They all went their separate ways and Hea drove down a different route.

"Where are we going?" Jimin looked up from his phone.

"We are going to a place."

"And where is that place?"

"Through a street."

"And what does that place have?"

"Things that we are going for."

"You're too much trouble." Jimin facepalmed, shaking his head.

"You love me though." She smiled teasingly.

"That's right."

"It's a surprise," she told him. "I am sure you'll love it."

"Well I am sure I will too." He relaxed and looked out the windows, enjoying the view.

"Alright we're here." Hea announced and took off her seat belt.

She noticed Jimin was asleep with a little smile on his face and she awed.

After taking a picture and setting it as her new wallpaper, she shook him quietly.

"Jiminie baby. It's time to wake up." She whispered quietly.

When he stirred, he finally opened his eyes and looked out the window.

"No way, we're at a bookstore?!"

All the sleepiness in his eyes disappeared and he bounced in excitement.

"Let's go! Come on!"

Hea laughed softly at him and held his hand as they walked in this store.

"As a little thank you for the tutoring and everything, choose whatever you want and I will buy it for you."

Jimin's eyes lit up.

"You sure though?"

"Yes, Baby Boy. Go ahead."

Once he heard that, he took off excitedly running to the fantasy section then to the sci-fi section.

Hea had trouble keeping up with him how fast he was moving through books like he knew exactly want he wanted.

"Okayyy easy there tiger." She placed a hand on his back.

It sent chills down his spine but he halted and looked up at her.

"I am afraid you're gonna trip and fall." She chuckled.

"I am fineee, see!" He held out his arms, already holding two books, and showed them to her.

"Okay as long as you're not hurt." She told him smiling.

Jimin pecked her on the lips and reassured her he was fine before running off to get more books.

She herself walked around the romance section and spotted some good ones and she ended up getting two.

"Hea!" Jimin called from the other aisle.

"Yes Baby? Are you done?"

A tiny yes was heard as a response, making her laugh.

"Still not over me calling you Baby I see." She walked towards him and found him with five books.

"Really? That's all you chose?"

Jimin choked on his saliva.

"What?" He asked, clearly in disbelief.

"I thought you were gonna get more." She deadpanned.

"I am sorry, you wanted me to?" He exclaimed, blinking in confusion.

"Well yeaaaa." She smiled at how cute he looked.

"Sugar mommy vibes." Jimin whispered under his breath and turned away.

Walking to the cashier, Hea got very close to his ear and whispered,

"I can be your Mommy if you want."

Jimin got beet red.

When he got to the cashier, Jimin was flustered but still managed to collect his books after Hea paid for them.

"I am so happy right now." Jimin told her smiling.

"As long as you are happy, I am happy."

They walked back to the car and Jimin suddenly got hungry.

"So what does my Baby Boy want to eat."

"He wants to eat dumplings!" Jimin said, excitedly.

"Well let's go get dumplings!" Hea matched his energy and drove to a street food area.

They spent a lot of time there with Hea just filling him up with food that he wanted.

"Alrighttt. Stop now, I might actually explode." Jimin told her with his cheeks puffed.

Hea laughed and pinched them slightly.

"Let's get you home before you fall asleep."

"I am not sleepy though!" He protested as they walked to the car.

"Trust me, after you eat, you immediately fall asleep."

"No that won't happen now." Jimin fought back a yawn, knowing Hea was right.

"Whatever you say, Baby."

Hea drove slowly and occasionally watched as Jimin tried to keep himself awake during their conversation.

When he finally couldn't anymore, he leaned back on the seat and fell asleep.

Hea looked over at him and smiled.

"And he said he was not sleepy."

The girl pulled up in Jin's driveway and lifted him out the car.

Jimin snuggled up more into her shoulder and opened his eyes.

"Where are we?" He asked quietly.

"We," Hea opened his door with one hand. "Are in your room. So lets get you changed and then bed."

Jimin sat up protesting, "But I am not tired. I want to talk with you."

"Go get changed, Jimin."

Jimin pouted but obeyed and when he finally returned and saw her making the bed, he stood there quietly waiting for her to finish.



Jimin cheered quietly and cuddled with the girl on the bed.

"Let's keep talking, I am not going to fall asleep again."

Hea laughed internally, knowing he would but she still carried on a conversation with him.

Little while into their talk about a book, Hea felt someone's head fall limply on her chest.

She looked down and saw him fast asleep with his cheeks squished.

"Innocent but stubborn." Hea tsked then turned off the light and made both of them comfortable.

"Still cute though." She mumbled before falling asleep next to him.

My Innocent Baby BoyWhere stories live. Discover now