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" Let me rephrase. I want to have this talk with you. We cannot be driving over each other when we would be guarding the Mistress. As an elder to you, Quin Isaac Martel, I ask you to have a talk with me, right fu*king now. "

Isaac immediately stopped in his tracks as he turned around, his face immediately darkening.

" I deeply regret standing against you right now, Gyun Aslan Dawson, but I, the younger, am not repenting my mistakes, believing that the mistakes could never be repeated. Thanks to you, I lost the will to trust someone. "

Aslan had to shut his eyes close on feeling the shudder that passed through his spine.

He regretted using the honorifics over the younger a minute ago knowing that Isaac would've felt the same painful shudder.

" Isaac, wait, I truly want to settle this. I have my reasons. Please, " Aslan raised his voice when Isaac started walking further, his steps wavering because of the fight he was holding within himself from stopping in mid to obey Aslan's command.

" You're hurting yourself. Give me— Give minutes! Give me just five minutes! " Aslan groaned when Isaac shuddered, stumbling on his steps doing his best to get away as soon as possible.

" Just... " Isaac breathed. " let me go, " his hands fisting the last piece of sane that he had, compared to the other side that screamed immediately to submit.

" Give me a minute and I'll let you go. Just a minute! " Aslan crouched down to his knees, his hand trembling to hold the other.

Isaac didn't fail to notice the shiver that ran through the older's hands when he stretched them towards his own hand.

" Let it out, Dawson. You— You have a minute. " Isaac, with a harsh gulp, slapped Aslan's outstretched hand to the side and grunted getting up to his feet.

The one thing Isaac learnt from his past was that he should never let others see his vulnerable side.

Aslan was confident and only focused on making the younger focus on him a while ago.

But now that the younger gave him a minute, an entire 60 seconds, to tell whatever he wanted to reason for ignoring him as if he wasn't there before his eyes, who was the only human that Aslan treated like his other half from his birth, for more than a decade, Aslan had no words.

He breathed out feeling the fear slowly building up. He had never imagined a situation where he would be confronting the younger about the hidden past.

" That's it. "

Aslan was snapped out of his trance by Isaac's harsh gasp of air when the younger rushed past him. Aslan didn't know that the minute was gone.

Unknown to him, the younger waited for more than a minute, longing and yearning for the answer that he had been searching for most of his life since the age of 10 when Aslan abandoned him.

But when the time slowly ticked off with the Head Knight gazing through his soul, Isaac couldn't stand it anymore with the pain slowly resonating from his heart.

It was like hell standing against a command from an elder and Isaac had no choice but to endure to protect his heart.

He wanted to go bury himself on his bed so that he could scream out loud that the guy, he always admired, wanted to settle things between them after an entire decade just because they would be supposed to work alongside each other to the end of their life and not because he was finally trying to redeem what damage he did to him.

Yes, he wanted to cry but it was not because he was weak. He could also lash out his anger by ramaging the town.

But Isaac, of course, didn't want to become an assassin. It was because Isaac had nothing else to do other than scream his heart over the things regarding the elder.

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