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You didn't know what to do! You don't know anything, and you also don't know where you're at! Tears slowly coming down your face as you was pouting. Knowing full well that crying wasn't gonna get you anywhere you did need to let out your frustration.

You let your tears fall, while letting them fall you slowly started to feel better. You wiped your tears away with your hands, you were expecting a white hand that feels wet but instead you get a hand that's wet but has some purple on it.

You let out a gasp, happy to finally being able to see colors. In your silent happy land you heard someone groan. You stopped completely, wasn't expecting to hear anything.

"Sans?" The voice asked groggily. They probably just woke up. You look to where you heard the voice. It was a child, well they looked more like a preteen than a child. Anyway they mostly consist of white and black.

You blinked at the teen in front of you, physically being unable to respond verbally. The teen slightly frowned in confusion, "Are you still angry at me?" The teen asked the monochromatic skeleton.

You tilt your head in confusion, 'Why would I be angry at you when I just met you?' The teen looked at you very confused. "What do you mean 'just met me?'" If you weren't in any shock earlier well you were now.

'You can hear me in my thoughts?' You asked them still disbelieving the whole situation. They rolled their eyes annoyed, "Yes I can hear you by your thoughts." They said in a near sarcastic tone. "Ohhhh now I get it!" They said to themselves, "Are you another person in Sans' body?" They asked you, while you was confused at how they got to that conclusion. 'I guess, I don't know much other than I was in a dark place before coming here.'

The teen looked to be in thought, "Well then my name's Chara, what's your name?" They looked at you, you not wanting to use the old owners name which was supposedly 'Sans' you instead decided to use the name Cross, 'You can call me Cross.' you thought to the other. You thought it would be insensitive to use the old owners name.

Chara smiled, they started explaining some things like how they are connected to you, some things that happened before now. You coming to the conclusion of being mute just listened to them as this was the first person or well ghost that you met.


You were just listening to Chara tell stories of people you didn't know of, like how they made a cool robot and a big piranha lady taught him how to defend themselves.

Had a hard time to know if this was actually a real event but believed it either way, there was nothing much to believe anyway.

You felt like the temperature drop a level or two, and didn't know why. You looked around you to find anything, but nothing caught your eye but blankness.

(511 words)

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