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Inside the writers’ heart, a flame burns bright,
Igniting passions, dreams, and fears,
Filling the page with words, both wrong and right,
Creating worlds, both far and near.

Inside the writers’ heart, a storm rages strong,
Tossing and turning, churning up ideas,
Filling the mind with images, both weak and strong,
Breathing life into the characters, both heroes and foes.

Inside the writers’ heart, a river flows deep,
Carrying memories, hopes, and pain,
Filling the soul with emotions, both sad and sweet,
Shaping the stories, both sunshine and rain.

Inside the writers’ heart, a garden blooms bright,
Nurturing ideas, both big and small,
Filling the imagination with colors, both dark and light,
Weaving tales, both tragic and tall.

Inside the writers’ heart lies a world of words,
A place where stories are born and dreams take flight,
A realm of endless possibilities, where ideas abound,
And the imagination roams free throughout the night.

Within this world, emotions swirl and passions ignite,
As the writer pours their soul onto the page,
Expressing thoughts and feelings, hopes and fears,
With each word a step on the journey of the sage.

The writers’ heart is a place of vulnerability and strength,
Of courage and perseverance in the face of doubt,
A place where truth and beauty are given voice,
And the power of words can bring light to the darkest night.

So let us honor the writers’ heart and the world it creates,
For in its pages we find a reflection of our own lives,
A testament to the human spirit and its boundless potential,
And a reminder that our stories are worth sharing with the world outside.

Inside the writers’ heart, a symphony plays,
Harmonizing words, both simple and grand,
Filling the silence with melodies, both bright and grey,
Singing the stories, both across the land.

Inside the writers’ heart, a universe expands,
Infinite and boundless, yet intimate and close,
Filling the page with wonders, both old and new,
Creating the stories, both prose and verse, and the poems we compose.


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