Chapter 48

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Jess' pov

"Thanks for tonight." I said, hugging my friends as they were about to leave.

We had a great night, especially now that our friends also knew about me and Jeremiah.

I felt so much better now.

It was late and our friends decided that it was time to leave, I was sleeping over tonight.

I told my parents I was staying with Isabel tonight and they were okay with that.

When they were gone I closed the door and walked back inside hearing Vanessa and Jeremiah in the kitchen.

I decided to join them and help them with cleaning the kitchen.

"Do you guys need any help?" I asked, walking into the kitchen just to see Jeremiah and Vanessa sitting on the counter while they were eating the remaining food from tonight.

Jeremiah had made so much, so we couldn't finish all of it.

"Oh." I said, making them laugh as they were eating like we didn't just eat a few hours ago.

I walked over to the counter, starting to put all the dirty plates in the sink.

I felt Jeremiah's gaze on me, but didn't really pay much attention until he put his fork in my face.

I shook my head, "Why? You didn't like it?" He asked, sounding offended.

"I'm not hungry." I said.

"You didn't eat much." He said, surprising me.

"It was because of the nerves." I chuckled.

"You guys are so cute." Vanessa started, "I'll leave you alone."

"No you're not leaving." Jeremiah said, his attention now on her.

Vanessa turned around from the doorway with a confused expression on her face, "Why not?"

I was confused too, to be honest, but didn't talk.

"Because you're going to clean the kitchen." Jeremiah said, getting on the ground as he put his own plate also in the sink. "Meanwhile me and Jessica are the ones leaving."

"No, that's unfair." Vanessa said, shaking her head.

"It was also unfair when you left us earlier to go outside, we did everything now you're going to make it up for that." Jeremiah said, walking to the doorway, ready to leave.

"It's fine, I'll help you." I said, trying to be helpful.

"No, you're not, Jessica. Vanessa can do it by herself."

I looked at her, seeing her roll her eyes, but walking over to the sink.

I hesitated if I should help her or not, but decided to leave her alone.

She was already annoyed.

I gave her a tap on her back and then left the kitchen, seeing Jeremiah already walking to the stairs.

"There was no reason to be so mean to her." I said, following him.

"That was not mean." He said, furrowing his eyebrows when he turned to my direction.

"You could have at least let me help her."

He sighed, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Sometimes you're too nice." He said, looking at me, "Except to me."

"Hey." I said, making him chuckle. "I'm always nice to you."

"Mhm." He said, a smirk playing on his lips.

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