Chapter 38

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Jess' pov

"Jess! You're alive!" Scott smiled the moment he opened the door and saw me.

"Scott!" Yes, I am." I formed my lips in a small smile and walked inside the house.

Today was the day before the party and I promised Jared and Scott that I would help them with the decorations.

I considered calling them a few times to tell them I couldn't make it today, but I didn't want to let them down.

"We've been waiting for you." Scott said, following me to his living room. "Jared wanted to start already, but I told him to wait for you."

When we walked into the living room I saw maybe a hundred packages of decorations spread on the ground, making my jaw drop.

Jared was watching Keeping up with the Kardashians while he was laying on the couch as he didn't notice us walk in.

"Why did you buy so much?" I asked him, still looking at the ground.

This made Jared's attention go in our way instead of the tv, and the moment he saw me his expression changed immediately.

"Hey." He said with a smile playing on his lips, "I thought you'd ditch us today."

"Come on, Jess would never." Scott said, plopping down on the couch.

"You know me better than that, Jared." I said, also sitting down on the couch next to Scott and watching tv.

"Do you think it's too much?" Scott asked, a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, we used like half of these for the Christmas party." I said, "But I forgot your house is much bigger than that."

"See, you have to listen to me." Jared said, sitting up.

"But I'm not sure if we can do this on our own." I said, "Especially with you two."

"Hey!" Scott and Jared said at the same time.

"I'm joking." I chuckled. "Let's just get started and see how far we come. Later we can call for help if it's needed." I said, getting up and started opening the packages.

The three of us sat on the ground as we opened everything and planned on where to put everything.

Getting Jared and Scott both agree on something was harder than I thought it would be.

But after finally getting on the same page it was time to get started on the actual work.

After almost 2 hours it was beginning to look good.

Jared and I were making a picture wall with a golden background and picture frames.

I had to hang up the curtains but it was too high.

"Jared, can you reach that?" I asked, hoping he could.

"Let me try." He said as he tried it and failed.

"I don't think I can." He said, "Get on my back."

He bent down so I could get on his back.

"You guys know we have chairs right?" I heard Scott say.

"Oh." I said, already done hanging the curtains.

"This is more fun anyway." Jared said.

"Yeah, that's also true." Scott said as he continued doing his side of the room.

"Oh no." I heard him say after a moment of silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"I kinda forgot the helium tanks for the balloons." He said, scratching his head.

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