Chapter 14

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Jess' pov

The next school day started with Miss Rose. I hadn't seen any of my friends since I arrived.

I didn't complain, I was still in a bad mood since last night.

Miss Rose always lets us do what we want in homeroom, we always talk or play stupid games.

I sat down and started scrolling on Twitter, I always do this when I have nothing else to do.

The class started filling up and I saw Isabel and Cam coming in.

"Morning." I heard Cam suddenly, taking the seat next to me.

"Morning." I said, without looking at him.

"How did it go with Jeremiah yesterday?" Isabel started, turning around in her seat.

"It was okay."

I wasn't in the mood to talk about him right now.

"I never heard you say 'okay' and 'jeremiah' in one sentence before." Cam laughed.

Isabel also started laughing.

"Why do you look so sad, babe?" Jared asked, coming out of nowhere.

"Why are you asking so many questions?" I asked.

Jared put his hands up and slowly started walking away.

Chris looked scared when I looked at him.

It was quiet until Lauren came in.

"Who died?" She asked.

"Jess' sense of humor." Jared mumbled.

"Yeah, I knew that." She said, walking over to the empty seat next to Isabel.

"Did you guys hear about the Christmas party or whatever it is?" Isabel said, trying to break the awkward tension.

"Yeah there's gonna be a big buffet in the gym." Cam said.

"If there's free food and girls I'll be there." Jared said with a smirk.

"Free? Do you think this broke school would do this for free?" Lauren laughed.

"Don't worry about that. I'll take care of that." Jared said.

"Cam, can I borrow your wallet for a sec?" He asked

"You're such a gentleman, Jared." Lauren said sarcastically.

Cam rolled his eyes, ignoring him.

"Didn't you go to that purple girl yesterday?" Jared asked Cam.

"Violet." He corrected. "And yes I did."

"How did it go?" Chris asked, nudging Cam.

"It was okay." Cam mocked me.

Isabel rolled her eyes. "You guys are so boring."

"Says the one who's been single her whole life." Jared fired back.

"Jared I swear to god I will make sure you can never have kids if you don't shut up." Isabel said.

"I'm sure all the stds he has will make sure of that." Chris said.

While they were arguing with each other I felt Cam staring at me.

I turned my head and looked at him.

I heard the other guys fighting about stds.

"What happened?" Cam asked.

"My parents, as always." I sighed.

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