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Riya felt someone touching her. Riya got out of her dreams, he saw sharan looking at her. Riya was full of smile.

Sharan: where are you? What are you dreaming about?

Riya shook her head in NO.

Sharan: but i could sence that you were on good imagination. If you could tell me, then i would also be happy.

Riya: i will make our dreams come true soon. I wanted to see the happiness in your in eyes at that time.

Sharan: okay,

Then sharan slowly placed his hand in her hips and slowly lowered his hand, he placed her hands in the butt region. He gave a light pressure.

Riya: what are you doing? Take your hands,

Sharan: no, i can't take my hands.

Riya: if people notice this means

Sharan: i am touching my wife, who is going to ask me

Riya: take your hand. If you don't take your hands.

Sharan: what will you do? ( he made a little pressure again)

Riya: i will call anjali sister.

Anjali sis, anjali sis Riya shouted with some loud voice.

Sharan: she can't hear you..

But anjali heard Riya's voice and came back.

Anjali: Riya did you called me.

Riya: yes, your brother in law wanted to say something to you,

Anjali: what do you want to say,

Sharan: nothing, that is...

Riya: shall I go and play with Achu...

Anjali: why are you asking like this, you go and play with him.

Riya: he is not leaving me.
Sharan quickly took her hands from her.

Riya smiled at sharan sarcastically and went.

Anjali: sharan, is everything is fine between you both

Sharan: yes, now we are more attached towards each other.

Anjali: then why are you waiting. What about your honeymoon plans.

Sharan: i have planned it, and..

Anjali: which place you are going to visit? Riya didn't tell me anything, how many days are you planning..

Sharan: wait, wait, let me answer your questions in detail. Before that I will call your husband.

Sharan called Shyam and signalled him to come near him.Shyam came towards them.

Shyam: what you guys are discussing?

Sharan: i called you both to inform you about our honeymoon.

Shyam: i am not surprised, because it's already late, atleast by now you have planned it.

Sharan: by the way why i called you People is to inform you, that i am planning my honeymoon trip as surprise trip for her.

Shyam: okay, which place you have selected. Don't say the place where you can travel by car.

Sharan: i planned to take her Maldives.

Shyam: great man, it's a good selection.

Sharan: and i have planned to stay there for a week.

Shyam: good, do you need any help from our side.

Sharan: no, i have planned everything and started making arrangements. The one help you can do for me is, don't blabber this to riya.

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