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Sharan saw  Riya in the bed. He slightly touched Riya's finger. She was sleeping peacefully. Sharan was confused about everything. Few moments later meena came inside. She gave a look at sharan and continued her work.

She checked Riya's vitals. She changed the saline bottle. She was about to turn, she noticed the wound in Riya's hand. It has turned into a dark brown colour.

Meena: what is this sharan? How did she got this wounds?

Sharan: that. Is....

Meena: how did she got hurt? Did she hit her hand anywhere

Sharan: no Meena she got.....

Meena: tell me, why are you swallowing your words.( She looked sharan in a confused manner)

Sharan looked down. Meena somehow understand what happened between them.
Meena looked at the wound deeply, she got furious by seeing her wound.

Meena: what is this sharan? Why are you looking down? You made it right. You manhandled her. Am I right?.

Sharan: i didn't do that intentionally, it was just like an accident. I did it without my knowledge.

Meena: how can you do it without your knowledge. You are a doctor, you don't know  to control yourself.

Sharan: sorry Meena.

Meena: it's shame on you sharan, don't repeat this.

She went out angrily, he sat there near to her and watching her. His mobile vibrated, he took the mobile it was from shyam(sharan's brother,(i believe you didn't forget them💁).

Sharan's finger were shivering he swiped up and placed it in his ear.

Sharan: hello.

Shyam: sharan where are you?.(sharan thought for a second).

Sharan: i am at my home, why?

Shyam: good joke, we are standing outside of your house, no one is here. The door is locked, no lights nothing. But you are saying you are at home.

Sharan: what you are standing in front of my house.

Shyam: will it take long time to return, or you will be back within few minutes.

Sharan: brother you come to my hospital and get the keys.

Shyam: but where is Riya?

Sharan thought for few seconds, "Riya is not feeling well" so we are at.....

Shyam: what is wrong with her? Okay don't worry we will come there.

Sharan:we.. who came along with you...
But before that shyam cut his call.

Near sharan's house

Shyam: mom, sharan is at hospital. We will go and collect the keys there.

Anjali: where is Riya?

Shyam: Riya was not well. So he took her to hospital.

Radha (sharan's mom): morning we spoke with her.   She was very much dipressed, she was crying continuously. Don't know what happened to her.

Shyam: don't worry mom. Nothing serious, sharan didn't sound anything like that.

Radha: he won't tell anything. Nowadays he don't have the habit of listening to others.

Shyam: mom, please don't get upset with him. You decide everything after reaching there.

He started driving the car towards the hospital.

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