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Sharan's POV
I and Riya planned to go outside, i got ready and waiting for her to get ready, she came after few minutes in blue jean and pink shirt.

I was mesmerized by the beauty. This was the first time i am seeing her in this dress.
I went near her and told her Riya you look very beautiful in this dress.

But one thing is missing that is disturbing me. Riya was looking at me with her wide eyes in a puzzled look and asked

Sharan: your precious smile..please make it make it,, smile
Riya slightly smiled seeing Sharan.
Sharan: that's good that's what I wanted from you. This is what I want from my baby. come lets go

Sharan put her hands on Riya's shoulder and took her outside the house. Opened the car door and Made her sit inside the car and started driving.
Riya was sitting silently while traveling in the car.sharan had a glance at her but she didn't notice him.

Sharan parked the car infront of a mall. He opened the car door, Riya got out and they both went inside.sharan held Riya's shoulder and started walking.

Sharan took Riya inside a jewellery show room.
Riya:why you brought me here? Already my family and your family purchased lot of jewels for our marriage. Then why are you taking me here.

Sharan: just keep quiet Riya

Riya: what are you going to purchase now. Listen to me.

Sharan: our family purchased jewels for their daughter and daughter in law, now i am going to purchase for my wife, my beautiful wife. So keep quiet.
Riya blushed for a second and controlled when the staff guided them.
They went and sat in the sofa.

Worker: what do you want to purchase mam?
Sharan: A chain with pendant.
Worker:wait for few minutes i will show you.
Riya: anything special today?
Sharan: nothing, but the person is always special.
Riya and sharan had a small eye lock
Worker:sir, here is the chain
They started selecting the chain
Finally sharan selected a chain with small diamond pendant.
Sharan paid the bill and came out.

They both went to a movie theater, and started enjoying the movie, in interval Riya came out to get some snacks, she was very excited to have some snacks. But she was hesitant to tell sharan. Because, Riya thought what sharan will tell. Everything they sell for eating is junk food. Definitely he won't allow.

Sharan was looking at Riya quietly. And reading her expression.

Sharan:Riya baby what are you thinking?
Riya: nothing.
Sharan: dear what you want to have now?
Sharan: don't worry baby i won't say anything.
Sharan: yes, but not too much junks.
Riya:i want a pack of popcorn,ice cream, and milk duds pack
Sharan:is it enough,
Riya:mmm, enough

Sharan bought everything which Riya asked. Riya happily get every thing from him. Sharan asked Riya to wait and bought a cup of coffee for him.

Riya: is it enough for you.
Sharan: yes, don't worry i won't ask share in yours. He laughed and helped Riya to take the snacks inside the theater.
Both were having some fun time inside.

After the movie ends. They both came out. It was already late so sharan planned to have dinner outside.
They both went to the restaurant. sharan ordered some less oily food and bowl of vegetables salad, Riya was waiting to order her food but sharan didn't allow her to order. He ordered for her also

Riya:why are you doing like this?(in a pleading tone)
Sharan: already you had enough junks today.
Riya: you told me know? I can eat whatever i want today
Sharan:that rule is in Cineplex. Not every where
Riya:okay, i don't want anything. You eat.
Sharan: don't get upset for small things,
Riya:But, i don't want these
Sharan:okay, i will give you one offer,
Riya: what?
Sharan: you can order one of your favourite dish. Are you happy?
Riya:only one,.
Sharan:if you argue with me,then i will return the offer.
Riya:okay. I want some deep fried paneer and mayonnaise.
Sharan: i told only one.
Riya: it's only one, mayonnaise is side dish
Sharan: Okay, leave it

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