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Nurse came with a tray, Riya's heart beat increased after seeing the tray. she slightly tried to peek into the tray. She can clearly see a injection on the tray.

She looked at sharan in a pleading way. Sharan know she was trying to get his attention. He never looked at her. He was discussing with Meena.

Riya was worried and terrified by this.

In guest room

Shyam,anjali, their son and Radha were sitting in the guest room. Anjali made achu sleep in the bed.

Shyam:mom, you may be tired you also take rest.

Radha: i will sleep after taking to riya.

Sharan: you saw her state, why do you want to talk to her immediately. We will talk to her later

Radha: i don't know why i am feeling like that, but my heart is saying, sharan was not taking eanything serious, sharan still didn't get proper maturity.

Shyam:mom, nothing like that. Why are you taking everything seriously. They told clearly know, she is suffering from breathing problem nothing else.

Anjali: don't support your brother too much. Mom is right here. Without his carelessness how can this happen.

Shyam: Anjali, you people are talking like as if he wanted to make her suffer.( He glared at her)

Mom: why are you glaring at her, sometimes carelessness also creates some problems. Their parents have moved abroad yesterday only. Now she is in the hospital. What will I say if they ask me.

Shyam: mom whatever. Atleast give her some time to recover.  Don't make it big. Please, please for my sake.

Shyam some how convinced her mother to go to the home and take rest.

Radha: before going to home, i will see her and go back.

Shyam: why mom? she will be taking rest.

Radha: i was worried about her health, i can't sleep without knowing her condition.

Shyam: okay come,

In hospital room

Now the nurse took the vial and broked it she filled the syringe and insert it in another bottle. She shaked the bottle well.
She opened another needle and filled the syringe.

Riya: please i am okay i don't want it.

They both looked at Riya and continued their work.
Riya: can't you hear what i am saying.

Riya tried to get up from the bed. Sharan went near and hold her.

Sharan: Riya what are you doing, you are weak. Don't try to move.

Riya: i am fine, i don't want anything. I am not weak. I don't want any injection, i don't want.

Sharan: please co-operate with us Riya it's important so only.

Riya : i don't want it, please understand already my hands are paining from previous injection. I don't want another one

Sharan can understand what Riya is thinking. But the thing is this time she is not going to get injection in the vein. It will be on her butt.

Sharan: Riya you were not well. So only injection. Other wise why we are doing this to you.

Riya: who knows why you are doing this.

Riya stood up and was trembling to stand sharan held her shoulder.

Sharan: Riya baby you cannot move, please listen to me.

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