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Sharan smiled at Anjali saying this( ask her for help). Anjali gave a puzzled look at sharan.

Anjali: you are a cheat, you will always do the same. I can't help you in this.

Sharan: you won't do this help.

Anjali: no i can't do this.

Sharan: but you promised me you will help me, promising and breaking the promise is not good for my sister in law .

Anjali: mmmm, okay i will help you, but you are making some cheap tricks to make this.

Sharan: whatever you say, i don't worry.
He laughed at her. My cute sister in law.

Anjali: but your are not cute.

Sharan: thankyou

Anjali: sharan your brother wanted to talk with you.

Sharan: okay, i will go and talk to him later,

Anjali: no you go and talk to him, i will take care of Riya.

Sharan: okay,

He went to the guest room.

Shyam: come and sit. I need to talk with you.

Sharan: bro, please bro, i didn't do anything wrong.

Shyam: relax i didn't ask anything, i won't scold you.

Sharan: thank God.

Shyam: but i called you to discuss about the problem. Not the problem but the solution.

Sharan: i can't understand, what should I do?

Shyam: i think you know that Riya was not emotionally stable after their parents departure to US.

Sharan: yes she was crying and several thoughts were rushing inside her. I some how tried to consoled her....

Shyam: then, is she calm and happy after your sweet words.

Sharan: no, she was not completely okay, but what can I do, so i left her alone and came to work.

Shyam: i had a query, can you make clear of that.

Sharan: what query?

Shyam: if a person is dealing with some emotional problems, is it safe to leave them alone or is it safe to stay with them.

Sharan: i know why you are asking this, i too wanted to stay with her that day, but i had so much of works to be done here. So i had no other option.

Shyam: okay, i agree you have work, every people have their own work. We have to take some time to take care of our loved ones.

Sharan: actually i am taking some time to spend with her.

Shyam: understand my point, we need treatment when we are Ill. We don't take treatment when we are fit and fine. Likewise she needs you now. It's necessary to bring her back from her dipression.

Sharan: yes, i understood what you are saying. My work is also important.

Shyam: yes, i know. But if you take a day off from your work, someone will take care of it. But who will take care of your personal work.

Sharan: yes i made a small mistake here, i won't repeat it.

Shyam: if mom didn't ask you to go home and take care of Riya, then what will you do

Sharan: actually i planned to go home by afternoon.

Shyam: thats good

Sharan: i don't know where it went wrong.

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