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Riya heard the door bell. Sharan went to open the door. He wished him and recieved the pack from him.

Sharan took the package and started taking everything out. While taking things out, Riya started asking
Riya: what is this? Who came to our home?
Sharan didn't say anything
Riya:Tell me i am asking you only. Answer me, why are you not saying anything.

Sharan didn't say anything and he started taking everything out.
Riya: what are you going to do?
Sharan: don't talk anything, you will know after few minutes ( he said in a rough voice)
Riya was dumbstruck and she started getting teary eyed.

He took a saline packet and just hung in a hook near her. He took some tubes and connected to the saline pack and he did something near the tube.

Riya: why are you doing like this? I don't like this. I don't want, listen to me. Give me some juice or food it's enough. Don't do this .

Sharan was silent and he was doing his work. He connect everything and removed the air from the tube. He touched Riya's hand. Suddenly Riya grabbed her hands from him.

Riya: can't you understand what i am saying?
Sharan: do you have any idea about your health.( With a glaring eyes)
Riya: yes, i am alright.
Sharan: you think that.

He quickly grabbed her hand and held it tightly Riya was trying to take her hand from him. He didn't leave her, he started rubbing her hand with alcohol. He took a 20 gauge needle(cannula). He searched for her nerve to insert the needle.

Riya was pleading continuously, when the needle touched her skin. She started shouting aaaah aaah.

Sharan took the needle out and he started inserting inside her nerve. Riya started crying.
Riya: leave me, its paining aaah aaaaah, no leave i don't want, the needle is stinging. I don't want Remove it.

Sharan remain like a deaf and connected it to the tube. He adjusted the ball near drip chamber. The saline started flowing inside her nerve. Riya started murmuring.

Riya: Leave me leave me, i don't want. Its paining. Remove it, remove it.

It won't pain. Riya, just be quite. If you cry like this, then i have to continue with other  bottle said and fixed the surgical tape in her hands.

Sharan adjusted the ball near the tube, and liquid started flowing with little speed. Sharan sat near riya, Riya was uncomfortable with the tubes.

Sharan: how are you feeling Riya?

Riya: i feel like irritating, i don't....

Sharan: no Riya, don't argue. Now tell me what happened, why you fainted.

Riya: i don't know properly. I don't remember everything correctly. Actually i was feeling hungry so i tried to eat something, but i can't i feel like vomiting. I vomited and started feeling dizzy. Somebody pressed the door bell after that i don't know. While saying tears started flowing from her eyes.

Sharan: no crying baby, don't cry. thank God, i came in right time. If you were feeling unwell. You should have called me.

Riya:.... How  will i call you, you should have called me.

Sharan: how do I know that you are not well, you should have to call me before it gets worst.

Riya: you don't know i am having the pain.(asked sarcastically)

Sharan: ok baby. Leave it. No need of argument, just try to make it new. Relax, don't stress yourself.

Riya: enough of medicine, remove this from my hand.

Sharan: wait for few minutes it will get over
Riya: i don't want it. I feel energetic now, so remove.

Sharan: no Riya. You should take this fully.

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