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It was a pleasant evening everyone in the family gathered in the hall to start the journey to the function. Everyone started getting inside thier respective cars. in the middle of the gathering a handsome hunk who was well dressed was the star of the day.

I am sharan a doctor by profession we all geared up for my engagement function.i have a elder brother shyam who is married before 5 years and having a son.

My brother is taking care of our family buisness along with my dad. And my sister in-law anjali she too is very close to my family we both share a brother and sister relationship. Actually i am not staying with my family i am staying in neighbouring city along with my aunt and I am working in a hospital as doctor which was owned by my professor. I am one of his dearest student so i got the job here.

Every one is teasing me that i am very much excited to see my girl. But i showed them that i was normal.inside my heart there were so many thoughts rushing inside me as time pass my eagerness increased to meet her in person. Because i just saw her in photograph so i have many queries inside me. What will be her character will she be like my sister in-law type how will she behave with my family. Many thoughts rushing inside me.

Before i get out of thought our car stopped before her house. Every one started getting out of the car. My brother and sister in-law smiled at me and opened the door of the car. I got out and looking at the location. My sister in-law started teasing me "she won't stand at the gate to welcome you. You have to go inside" to that my mom dad and bro started laughing. I controlled my smile and acted as if nothing had happened.

And one important thing my fiance name is Riya. she is a graduate and she is a former consultant. Every one in Riya family welcomed us. They asked me to have a seat in the front row beside my dad and brother.

I was waiting to see her. after some time she appeared she came in a peach colour saree with some flowers in her hair. I was totally flattened my sil noticed this and laughed at me.after few minutes my engagement started my mom gave her saree which we brought to her and my sister in-law went along with her.riya dad gave me a dress and i too went to change.after few minutes i came out

I was asked to sit in a sofa which is decorated and few minutes later she came along with my sister in-law wearing the beautiful purple colour saree adorned with her sister in-law made her sit next to me.

And the rituals started my mom made her wear a necklace which we bought and my sister in-law gave our engagement ring i hold her fingers which was very cold and shivering i looked at her eyes and smiled. Then i slipped the ring into her fingers.

Riyas pov
I was getting ready for my engagement and cousin who were present there started teasing me.our attention was diverted by my small niece who came running and told us the groom family cousins got up and went to see him while i tried to look nothing was visible through the window.After few minutes my future mom in law and my co sister arrived.

I stood up and welcomed them. And they brought me outside and he was sitting there and noticing me. Before he get a full glimpse his parents gave me the saree they bought. Anjali sister and I went inside she helped me to get dressed and made some corrections.

Then she brought me outside. He was sitting in a sofa which was decorated and they made me sit next to him. A small smile and blush creeped inside me. His mom made me wear a necklace which she bought.

He was looking everything closely. Then Anjali sister gave the engagement ring to him. My fingers become cold and started moving he hold my fingers and slipped the it's my turn to put the ring i hold his hands and slipped the ring. I was relaxed because my work is done. And we started taking blessings from everyone and dinner our evening went in a smooth manner.

Sharan pov
our marriage was fixed a month apart. With half minded i came to my home and changed my dress. I heard a knock in my door i opened the door. My brother and his wife was standing and came inside my room. Both of them smiled at me. I was clueless about their smile.

My brother asked me happy to which i nodded and gave back a smile. My brother asked me is that enough for you to which i gave a confused look. I know man even though you are a intelligent student got good marks and became a doctor but you are not as intelligent as your brother. I can't get what he is upto...........

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