chapter twenty-five: not my baby

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Uya's POV

I wake up really early and bathe my boys. I dress them both in black sweats, black sweaters and black and white flannels. I pair those with white sneakers. I comb out Junior's hair, he has to get his hair cut soon. I do the same with Nkosi. I take a shower and find Ntsikelelo already done.

Uya: baby, please wear a black winter set with your black and white flannel.
Ntsi: okay.

I take a shower, do my skincare, lotion my body and get dressed. I'm wearing a black pencil skirt and a long sleeve black bodysuit and a black and white flannel. I pair this with white sneakers too. I wear my curly glueless wig, Emihle did my cornrows yesterday already. I will install another one when we get there. I take my boys outside, all three of them and we take pictures. I post them on all my socials and we leave.

Ntsi: baby, are you hungry?
Uya: nope but I will be and so will the boys so please stop by McDonald's.

We stop by McDonald's and buy food for all of us, along with some sides. I buy another big Mac to go with my original meal. I have been eating quite a lot lately.

After hours of driving and multiple stops, we finally arrive at his parents house in KZN. It's huge and absolutely gorgeous. We go in and place our sleeping babies in Ntsikelelo's room, where I also put on a headscarf. It's a thing in our culture, you must always cover your head when going to your in-laws. I also wear a blanket over my shoulders.

I go downstairs and sit where everyone else is. Skhumbuzo, Ntsikelelo, Emihle, Mpumi and their parents.

Baba: my children, thank you for coming on such short notice. this really is an urgent issue and I'm glad you all availed yourselves.
Skhu: why are we here though?
Baba: it's about Junior.
Uya: what about Junior?
Ma: his mom wants him, she says that she made a horrible mistake by leaving him with us and she wants to be a part of her son's life.
Baba: she wants full custody.

Tears well up in my eyes and just roll down.

Uya: but she can't do that, can she?

I say looking at Ntsikelelo. He looks down and rubs his hands together.

Uya: stop that! can she take my baby away from me?!
Emi: uya...
Uya: no! Junior is not going anywhere!
Baba: I'm sorry, my child.
Uya: that's my baby, she can't do this. ma?

Tears come down her face too and she looks away from me. I run upstairs and slam the door, which startles Junior and Nkosi because they wake up. Nkosi cries and I go over to them both.

Uya: mommy is so sorry, my babies.

I manage to stop the crying and cheer them up. I ask one of the maids to bring them ice cream and we watch cartoons together. Junior laughs at one of the scenes and I look at my beautiful baby, he has the greatest smile. He has given me so much joy, I lack the vocabulary to describe the joy he brings me. I can't believe I might lose him. I can't let this happen, I won't let this happen. I feel myself being ready to explode so I run to the ensuite and I close the door and I break down. I can't let her have my baby.

Junior and Nkosi are my world, I would die for my babies. Nothing to me compares to my babies.

I hear the door crack open and close. Ntsikelelo walks over to me and sits right across from me. He places his hand on one of my knees.

Ntsi: I'm sorry, sthandwa sam.
Uya: you can't let her take my baby, Ntsikelelo.
Ntsi: baby...

I look at him and interrupt him.

Uya: she can't just have her way with us, my babies are my life! I am nothing without them Ntsikelelo please.

I feel all the energy within me exit and he places me on his lap, placing my head on his chest.

Ntsi: I'm sorry, baby.

Junior and Nkosi walk in.

JJ: baba, what's wrong with mama?
Ntsi: nothing, baby.

I quickly wipe my eyes and give my babies a hug.

JJ: JJ loves mommy.
Uya: mommy loves JJ and Nkosi.

Nkosi giggles, which causes me and Ntsikelelo to laugh. I really love my little family.

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