chapter two: healed

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Uya's POV.

Months Later...

Thursday, Feb 24th

I'm moving to my new apartment near campus today.

Oh, Thando and I passed our matric with flying colours and we had already been accepted into wits, im studying radiology and she's studying dermatology.

Things have been going good, God is great and life is proof of that.

Aviwe: where should I place this box?
Uya: on the kitchen counter.
Aviwe: okay.

He places it on the counter and takes out his car keys.

Aviwe: I'm late for an appointment, I'll see you around, kid.
Uya: you're not gonna wait for thandolwami to arrive?
Aviwe: no, ngi late. I will come back marn, my baby.

He gives me a hug and rushes out. Oh well, I guess it's just me and the moving company guys.

After hours of waiting, Thando finally arrived with her mom, her dad and the moving company.

Thando: baby!
Uya: miss girl!

I run up to her to give her a hug. I then greet her parents and stuff.

Her dad: aw ngane yami, unjani kodwa?
Uya: ngiyaphila, baba.
Her mom: look at her acting innocent. baba, I think you must be around often when she visits.
Uya: haaaa mama?
Her mom: ngyadlala hau.

They laugh at me as I frown.

Her dad: mus'ukwata phela. (don't be angry)
Her mom: hau I can't leave my daughters while they're mad at me. I'll just leave with the cookies I bought you.
Uya: I'm not mad anymore.
Her dad: hai thina siya hambe ke.(we're leaving)
Uya: hau that was quick.
Her mom: he has a meeting to rush to, we'll come and visit you.
Uya: but mama, you can stay and help us.
Her mom: uhmmm...NO!

She takes out her phone and transfers money into Thando's account.

Her mom: bye, bantwana. behave yourselves.
Thando: bye mama.

They leave us all by ourselves. Can't believe everyone is bailing on us. We don't have a lot to do because my brother and the moving dudes helped me place everything in its place. We do have to unpack and fix our beds though. Can't I just sleep and wake up and find that it's all done?

Thando: let's get to work.

We fixed our beds, placing the headboards in place and covering them too. We unpacked as well. We're going to do the room decor tomorrow. Since we like black and white, that's how our room decor is going to look.

Our apartment is white, from walls to tiles to the ceiling and everything. I'm excited to have this black and white themed decor but I'm not excited for the work that goes into it.

Thando: I'm glad that's done but I'm starving.
Uya: wanna eat out?
Thando: I'm too tired, let's order in.
Uya: it's on you, right?
Thando: yeah sure, just order a lot of food. But please prioritise the prawns.

I look at her and laugh, she looks like she's going trough the most. She really looks like her problems.

Uya: so where's thato?
Thando: he's at home, he couldn't come cause I, in his own words "haven't introduced him to my parents" hai yeah ne.

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