chapter five: the discovery

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We wake up early and get ready for our mission today. We are wearing matching long black dresses with long sleeves and black hoodies over them. We also wear black caps.

Ntsikelelo said he is going to be working from home and Aviwe has a court case in the morning so I'll be waiting outside Ntsikelelo's house while  Thando goes to court and wants outside court for movement.

Later on, Ntsikelelo comes out and I drive behind him until we reach a warehouse. I wait outside the warehouse and text Thando.

Thando's POV

Aviwe gets in his car and starts driving and I follow him all the way to a huge warehouse. This place doesn't look dodgy at all.

I receive a text from Uya saying she's at a warehouse and she sends me a picture of the entrance and it's the same warehouse im at.

We meet each other at the entrance that we see the boys. We walk in slowly and we hide behind some boxes while we watch an exchange of words happen.

Ntsi: you have something that belongs to us.
Aviwe: and it would be in your best interests if you just give it back.
???: or what?

The other dude next to Ntsikelelo pulls out a rifle. Ha?! This is scary. I don't think I wanna be here. I stand up and uya pulls me back down.

Aviwe: sir, we're not here to fight or negotiate with you, just give us back what belong to us.

The other dudes pull out a briefcase and hand it to them. After that, those dudes leave,  they look like they are in a very sour mood.

About 30 minutes after they have left, Aviwe steps out but comes back.

Aviwe: bafo, we have some unwanted guests.

Ntsikelelo is bafo? How did i miss this? Ntsikelelo was the one who called the other day.

Ntsi: search the entire warehouse.

He orders the bodyguards. We stay where we are hiding and a bodyguard pulls us out of where we're hiding.

Ntsi: yoh kodwa what are you doing here?

They look so disappointed and they raise their brows waiting for us to give them an answer. We look down in shame, very embarrassed about being caught doing something so stupid.

Aviwe looks at me and chuckles.

Aviwe: hai ke.
Ntsi: uyathandwa, why are you here?
Aviwe: and how do you know my sister?
Uya: we are together.
Aviwe: iyoh, bro code?
Ntsi: I didn't know she was your sister, bafo.
Aviwe: so "sibeko" didn't ring a bell for you?
Thando: hai kuningi. (It's a lot)
Aviwe: sisi, what are you doing here?

He says looking at me.

Thando: hai andingo sisi wakho m'na. (No, im not your sister.)

Ntsikelelo tries to hold in his laughter but fails.

Bodyguard 1: sir, should we take them home? it is not safe for them here.
Aviwe: he is right, it is not safe for you here. no, we'll take them home.
Uya: you guys are gangsters! like most wanted stuff?

Uya fails to take things seriously. Aviwe walks out and it's quite evident in his body language that he is livid.

Ntsi: I think you should follow him.
Thando: bye guys.

I run after him and next thing I know, im being shouted at as I get in the car.

Aviwe: what were you thinking?!
Thando: don't shout hau!

my gangster fantasies.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें