chapter twenty: the return

352 19 0


10 March
Thando's POV

I knock and the door is opened by my mother.

Mom: thandolwami?!

She starts crying as her eyes goes straight to the baby in the car seat that is in my hands. That's my baby, Ntombikayise Sibeko. She really is a daddy's girl. She's 4 months old. Anyway, my mom cries and gives me the tightest hug ever.

Mom: please come in.

I go in and take a seat. Things haven't changed around here.

Mom: who do you have there with you?
Thando: my daughter, Ntombikayise Sibeko.

My accents has also sort of changed.

Mom: I'm so happy you're back home.
Thando: I'm not here for long, mama.
Mom: are you leaving us again?
Thando: mama, need i remind you that you don't approve of my husband?
Mom: my baby, we've changed our minds. you have really shown us that you love each other. you proved us wrong.

I nod and look around.

Thando: where's dad?
Mom: he is out.

I nod and look down.

Mom: can I please hold her?

I take Kayise out of her car seat and give her to my mom. She wakes up after some time and starts crying. I take her and feed her a bottle.

Mom: why are you here then?
Thando: we have to do imbeleko for her and she has to get baptised.
Mom: okay.
Thando: I came to invite you to the ceremony, I'll send you all the details soon.

As I get up and try to leave, my dad walks in.

Dad: thando.
Thando: baba.
Dad: what are you doing here?
Thando: I came to invite you to my baby's ceremony. I hope you can make it. I know you don't approve of my marriage but you can at least be there for your grandchild.

I walk out and place my baby on the passenger seat on her car seat.

Aviwe's POV

I walk into Uya's house and she runs to me and attacks me with a huge hug.

Ntsi: hau bafo?

He comes over and gives me a handshake. Uya picks Junior up and we go to the living room and take our seats.
We sit down and start catching up.

Ntsi: why are you here?
Aviwe: I have to do imbeleko for my daughter. I have to pay damages and lobola.
Uya: ooouuu you're in trouble.

We laugh.

Aviwe: I know but it's okay, i can afford.
Ntsi: how is your firm doing in the states?
Aviws: we're doing very well, we're doing exceptionally good. we're making a lot of money too.
Uya: what about your illegal stuff?

She laughs.

Aviwe: wow!
JJ: malume.

He says patting me.

JJ: you want to see baby?
Aviwe: baby?
JJ: nana is upstairs.
Aviwe: let's go.

He pulls me upstairs to Nkosi's nursery. Uya follows behind us. I take Nkosi which wakes him up. He starts crying but I calm him down.

Aviwe: hai this man is old for a nursery, uyathandwa.
Uya: haibo.
Aviwe: what happened to your studies?
Uya: I'm a graduate, bhuti. I went back, it took some time for me to get back in action but once I did, I just took off.
Aviwe: I'm proud of you.
Uya: what about Thando?
Aviwe: thando is a housewife.
Uya: so you have no intention of letting her go to school?
Aviwe: nope and we're happy where we are.
Uya: wow.

Thando knocks and walks in with Kayise in her hands. I take her and they starts hugging each other and crying.

Uya: I missed you so much.
Thando: I missed you too.

Junior tugs on his aunts skirt and she picks him up.

Thando: hello JJ.
JJ: aunty, Nkosimphile.

He says pointing at this little brother. We laugh at how he pronounces his name.

Thando: yes, you have Nkosi and now, you also have Kayise.
JJ: Khanyise.

He giggles and stares at her. This is so cute.

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