Each Side Of A Coin(VOl 4)

Start from the beginning

"Thanks." The boy says to Qrow who then takes a seat on the couch next to Oscar. Ruby and Nora have taken a seat on the couch perpendicular to Qrow's, while Jaune, Y/n, Olivia and Ren remain standing. Oscar then shares a brief look with Ruby, who giggles, causing Oscar to blush.

"Ah, sorry!" he briefly looks away "It's just I've never really met Huntsmen and Huntresses before." He looks away to the side still having the hint of red on his cheek.

"Well, uh... we've never met a person with two souls! So, first times all around." She replies and it made Oscar smiles and chuckles at Ruby which made Y/n smile at what is going on and whisper to Olivia.

" seems like they are getting along." He tries to joke but when he gets nothing in return he looks to his side and see that his sister face was all serious glaring at the boy. He gets worried but with what is going on he rather not touch that subject till later luckily he was save by qrow clearing his throat.

"Not to break up the whole 'getting-to-know-you' game, but we need to have a talk. Mind showing us your little parlor trick, kid?" He asked with smug look to which Oscar groans rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, okay. Just so you know, I'll still be here."

Everyone look at him in confusion. Oscar then lowers his head and closes his eyes. Suddenly, a green and white aura shines from his body for a moment, Oscar opens up his eyes, which are now glowing, and he smiles. When he speaks, they all hear a familiar voice overlapping with a bunch of other voices, including Oscar's.

"It is so very good to see you again, students."

The sound of Ozpin voice shook everyone to their core, Ruby looked back at everyone else with wide eyes, Y/N looked legitimately surprised upon hearing the headmaster's voice come from the young boy.

"Wait.. what just happened?"

Jaune asked, while Olivia sink her head down at bit looking shock.

"I think...something drop...."

She said while Ren look at the boy.

"Professor... Ozpin?"

"Correct. And though I may be the one speaking, Oscar is still present, mentally. He's merely handed over the control, so to speak.  I'm afraid this must all be very perplexing."

Olivia steps forward 

"Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I always dreamed of having a headmaster take over a stranger body. It's just like Isaac Asimov's 'I, Robot,' but with more possession and less robots."

Nora jumps to the side of Olivia 

"And not to mention alarming! And bizarre! And just really kind of hard to believe overall!"

The headmaster of beacon couldnt help himself to chuckle.

" It's good to see you children still have your sense of humor. I know you've all been through tremendous hardship already. I'm sorry."

Y/n steps forward 

"with all due respect sir, its not entirely your fault, things tend to get out of our control sometimes."

As he said this, Ozpin looked up to meet him eye to eye, and Y/n was surprised to see that the headmaster was looking at him with a dull cautious look, as if deep inside he couldn't seem to trust him and his words, which is strange because Y/n only met the headmaster a few times, and each time they showed respect and shared wise words, so why is Ozpin looking at him like that now? Ozpin takes a deep breath and begins to talk once more to the group.

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