ADWMS 🖊️ pt3

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Sooo I ended up getting an idea and you guys know me, once I get one I have to write about it. Everyone missed this lovely duo and since it seems to be everyone's favorite book at the moment, I thought of another bonus scene. Here it is, hope you enjoy it while I get back to writing for Giving into temptation 😉


"And this is what would be best for our featured artists."

Josie plays with the pen in her hand and rubs her stomach with her free one as she listens to the meeting presentation.

She isn't really into it, the man who's presenting is clearly trying too hard to impress her while also trying to keep his eyes above her collarbone.

'He's lucky my wife is busy filling out reports.' She thinks because Hope's wolf has lost a lot of patience since she found out Josie's pregnant. The possessive side of her is a bit worse than it was previously.

Speaking of her wife, her gaze shifts from the boring presenter, over to the auburnette who is sitting right across from her.

Her long auburn hair is splayed across her gorgeous navy blue suit and a light grey neatly folded handkerchief rests in her breast pocket. Her eyes squint every thirty seconds, her nose is crinkled slightly, indicating that she's extremely focused.

She just recognized something on the report that bothers her because Josie can see the woman's bicep flex through the jacket when she puts some pressure on her pen, writing a little too hard most likely out of frustration.

Josie slowly moves her pen to her lips, biting the cap of the writing tool.

Hope huffs in annoyance and dropped her pen to unbutton her suit jacket.'It's getting hot in here.'

Once she popped the last button she pulls it apart, exposing her all black shirt that was underneath it.

She's glad she didn't button up her top two buttons when she got dressed this morning.

She pulled her necklace that was tucked inside her sports bra and let it rest on her collarbone before she picked her pen up to continue with the reports.

The whole time Josie was watching with rapt attention, the scene that unraveled before her eyes brought a love making session she remembered very vividly.

(a week ago) 😂

"Give me your phone."

Josie eyebrows snap together and her eyes shift from her phone to the auburnette who's walking beside her.

Hope's right hand-the one that isn't currently intertwined with the brunette's hand- is held out.

Hope arched a brow when the brunette just looked at her like she was crazy,"Now."

Josie's facial expression didn't change, she just kept staring at the auburnette incredulously. She watched as Hope then did a gesture with her hand to show her she's serious.

Hope narrowed her eyes and lifted a brow challengingly.

Josie bit her bottom lip before she released it along with a sigh and put the phone in Hope's hand.

The older girl smiles in accomplishment and tucks the phone into her dress pants as she leads the woman into the restaurant.

They approach the host podium,"Reservation for Mikaelson." She says politely to the woman.

The woman glanced at both girls and nod into the entrance gesturing for them to enter,"Go right ahead."

Hope continues on and she quickly finds the table with their name in the center of it.

hosie one shots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora