Fantasy 😶‍🌫️

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Josie takes a deep breath and opens the door to her bed room.

Soon as the door swings open, she sees her lovely girlfriend reading a book on their bed and she looks up. "Hey babe." Hope says smiling brightly.

Josie walks up to her and sits on the side of the bed. Hope sets her book to the side when she sees her girlfriend's nervous posture.

"Is something wrong?" She asks grabbing her hands and bringing them up to her lips planting sweet kisses.

"You love me right?" Josie blurts out.

Hope raises both eyebrows at the response before she gives her own response, "Of course I do. Did I do something wrong?" She asks.

"You did nothing wrong, your perfect." Josie says looking into her blue adoring eyes.

Hope blushes in response and laces their fingers together. "Then what's up? You seem nervous."

"I am. I wanted to ask you something." She says looking away from Hope.

Hope nods waiting on Josie to continue, she can feel her hands starting sweat and she chuckles before pecking the girl's cheek. "Babe relax, you can tell me anything."

Josie's shoulders lower as she turns to face the auburnette again. "I want to try something new in bed." She states.

Hope smiles, "Okay. What ya got? Please don't tell me it's whips and chains because that's a little to kinky even for me. I don't want to whip you and I don't want you whipping me." She says laughing.

Josie laughs too, shaking her before she says,"God no. I was wondering if you ever had any interesting fantasies about me or us?"

Hope blinks a couple times feeling her cheeks heat up and Josie lets a small smirk curl her lips, "I knew it! Tell me, I want to know." She says suddenly getting excited.

Hope shakes her head, "Noo, it's super embarrassing."

"Aw come on babe I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours." Josie offers.

Hope quirks her eyebrow, "You have some too??"

"Of course I do, but I asked you first."

"Fine." Hope says she brings a hand to the back of neck thinking about which one she would like to share."Okay so this was actually a dream I had-"

(Hope's Dream)

Hope brings her coffee cup up to her lips, drinking her second cup as she types away on her laptop.

Finishing up an essay she procrastinated for two whole days, now it's due in six hours and she still has eight pages to go. Luckily she's in the place that helps her focus the most.

Starbucks. This place has always helped her turn in everything for college at the last minute. It wasn't a good thing for her to procrastinate so much but she still ended up getting everything turned in on time.

When she hears the bell on the door jingle, announcing someone entering the shop, she looks up momentarily to go back to her work when they snap back up to the woman that walked in.

A tall brunette with a white rubbed crop top sweater, a black layered hem shirt, and some black and white converse.

The woman faces her and winks in her direction before walking up to the front register to place an order.

Hope lets pink paint her cheeks before she puts her focus back onto her school work.

She works for a few minutes until she feels someone sit at her table. She looks up seeing the pretty brunette in front of her.

hosie one shots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora