Stumbling into the wrong room

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"Hope!!!" She hears Dr.Saltzman yell.

"No way!!" She yells and runs into the closest room she can find in the darkness of the school's halls.

She closes the door and takes a deep breath of relief.

"Well well well. Isn't this a pleasant surprise."

Upon hearing that voice Hope immediately tries to run out of the room, she turns the door knob aggressively trying to escape but her efforts are pointless as the woman has put a spell on the door. She forgot that the girl had moved out of her twin's shared room.

"Awww come on Hope. I can't be that bad."

Hope doesn't respond she just tries to come up with more plans on how to escape. She wonders if she can remove the door from the hinges, she takes an experimental punch forward but the invisible seal on the door stops her.

"Are you not going to talk to me?" The dark witch asks.

Hope still doesn't bother sparing her a glance, she keeps her back turned towards the girl not taking her eyes off of the door.

She takes a second to think, maybe she can jump through the window? That would be a perfect escape, damn that probably won't work she probably spelled the whole room.

Just then she hears the sound of bed springs moving meaning the witch is getting off of the bed. She hears feet paddle on the floor boards and she panics as they get closer.

"Stay back!" She says still facing the door. She only takes a breath of relief when she hears the footsteps pause.

She quickly tries to think of another possible escape, what if she yells for help?

"They won't be able to hear you Hopey. I have a silencing spell on this room." She hears the woman say.

Fuck. Hope mentally curses herself, out of all rooms she stumbles upon  it has to be dark Josie's room. The girl who continues to engage her over and over again. She has been doing a good job of dodging her this week but that hasn't stopped the siphons efforts in pursuing her. Lizzie tried to tell her Dark Josie has the hots for her but shes been brushing it off.

She's knocked out of her thoughts when she hears the footsteps again. She growls as a warning,"I'm serious Josie. Stay back."She says through gritted teeth. She refuses to be tempted by the girl's games today.

"Oh am I that much of a threat?"She replies. Her tone playful and teasing, she's confused on why the tribrid won't face her, she will be met with a sight if she actually turns around."I bet you didn't even realize you called me Josie."

Hope blinks, coming into realization herself that she did call her Josie."Your not Josie." She corrects.

"Oh your right. I'm just an embodiment of the repressed darkest parts of her. The dark parts she refuses to act upon."

She takes another couple of steps until she hears the tribrid growl louder this time. She stops only about two feet from the girl. "Come on Hope. Don't fight this, I know you want me. I bet you've been fantasying about taking me in the worst ways." She says with a smirk the tribrid can't see.

Hope chokes on the air that was on its way towards her lungs. Her face pinks in embarrassment.

How does Dark Josie know she's been having some explicit dreams about her? Ones she would rather forget as it would be terribly wrong for her to act on these feelings because Josie is her friend even though she's had a crush on the girl for years, she wouldn't want to act on those feelings with her darker self.

"I don't know w-what your talking about." She stutters but clears her throat quickly afterwards. "Let me out."

"No way, your like a fly caught in a web I've spun. I'm not letting you go, I've been chasing you all around this school and for once I didn't have to this time." Josie sighs. "Now turn around so we can have a regular conversation like decent human beings."

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