Bad day

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"Alright hurry up or we're going to miss it!" Mg says happily.

"Okay, okay, keep your pants on." Ethan says and turns on the television.

"Why do you guys get so excited about this?" Cleo says.

"Yeah I don't understand either. You guys always lose your hard earned money playing the lottery." Hope says and rolls her eyes.

Mg turns to Hope once he sits on the couch. "Yeah but when I win, I will be sitting on my throne counting my cash." He says pretending to throw money in the air.

"Are you sure you aren't going to spend it all on comic books?" Cleo asks.

"You know what your probably right." He shrugs while taking out his ticket.

Hope shakes her head as she watches Ethan and Mg pull out like ten lottery tickets.

"This is going to be funny." Cleo says to Hope.

Hope smiles and nods in response. She grabs her soda and drinks a bit before she hears the lock click on her front door.

Josie closes her umbrella before she walks in with her purse hanging on her shoulders. Hope smiles seeing her girl is finally back from work, she missed her all day.

"Oh hey jo." Ethan waves at her.

She looks up and sees everyone else in the room. "Hi." She says blankly.

She turns away from them and puts her purse on the counter, throwing her keys on there as well before sighing and walking to their bedroom and slamming the room door.

All eyes immediately turn to Hope. Who has the sam confused look on her face as she stares at the closed door.

Mg decided to break the silence. "Umm what's wrong with Josie?" He says.

"I don't know but I'm about to find out."Hope replies.

She finishes the rest of what was left in the can before setting it down. She stands and looks at everyone else. "You guys can start I'll be back. I'm going to go handle that." She says and walks out of the room.

She opens the door to the room and closes it. She hears the shower stop and seconds later her girlfriend walks out with a towel covering her body.

She sees the auburnette but walks right past her towards the dresser to search for some clothes.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" Hope asks.

Josie sighs and finds one of her bras. She drops the towel to put it on. Hope scans her body briefly, getting distracted before returning her focus on the brunettes face.

Hope takes a deep breath. "I'm not going to ask again." She says firmly.

"Nothing." Josie says quickly while searching for some underwear.

"It doesn't seem like nothing." Hope says crossing her arms.

Josie slams the dresser shut and runs a hand through her hair in frustration. She puts her hands on top of the dresser squeezing tightly with her eyes clenched shut.

Hope notices and walks over to the brunette. She moves her hands towards Josie's waist, hugging her from behind, she hears her sigh lowly and the tension in her shoulders relax.

Hope slides her hands up Josie's sides, going towards her arms and finally on top of Josie's hands slowly pulling them off the dresser to hold them in her hands softly.

She places them on the brunettes stomach holding them there while placing small kisses on her shoulder until all of the tension leaves her body.

When she hears Josie sigh in pleasure she pulls away and turns the girl to face her. "Are you going to tell me what's what's up?" Hope asks looking into brown eyes.

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