Bite me 🫦

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Hope is painting in her nice peaceful and quiet room. She's been working on it for about two hours. She's just doing the finishing touches.

As her brush skates across her canvas for the last time, her room door is pushed open violently, unfortunately it caused the whole room to shake and the paint brush in her hand ends up taking a small stroke upwards messing up her hard work.

"Hope I need your help." She says once she walks inside.

Hope groans and drops her paintbrush on her paint palet. "I was in the middle of something."

"This is more important." She says walking further inside.

"What can be more important than what I was already doing?" She replies turning around to face the blonde.

Lizzie sighs, "It's about jo."

Hope's face immediately turns into a worried one. "What's going on?"

"Now you seem interested?" Lizzie asks rolling her eyes.

"Lizzie tell me what's wrong." Hope presses.

"The same thing." Hope tilts her head at the response and Lizzie sighs, "She's still struggling with keeping animal blood down. You know? Because she's a newbie vamp."

Hope nods slowly, that's strange because Josie told her she was handling it pretty well and that she didn't need her help. Then again that could have been a lie.

"So what do you want me to do?"She asks the blonde.

Lizzie rolls her eyes, "God hope, I obviously want you to go help her. Why else would I walk all the way over here."

"Lizzie you guys literally stay two doors down." Hope replies.

"Yeah well it's still far."

Hope ignores that response. "Josie clearly doesn't want my help. If she did she would have came in here and asked me herself. I think she wants to handle this on her own." Hope says picking up her painting and laying it across her bed.

"You know how stubborn she can be. Don't make me blackmail you." She threatens.

Hope groans knowing exactly how Lizzie plans on doing that. She's just trying to keep her distance because every since she turned her humanity back on she's had these, stronger feelings that she wants to keep hidden.

"Okay fine." She says, "I'll just go later."

Lizzie walks over to the auburnette and fixes her with a death glare, "If you don't go over there in the next five seconds, I'll tell Josie about what I caught you doing in front of her yearbook picture a month ago."

Hope's face reddened quickly, "Are you serious?" She whispers, no one is listening to their conversation but she looks around her room as if there's cameras hidden some where.

"Deadly." The blonde shrugs.

Hope huffs before she stomps out of the comfort of her own room. She walks about twenty feet down the hall before coming to a stop at the twins room door.

She listens in but she she can't hear anything, 'They must have a spell on the door.'

She knocks on the door, "Jo?" She asks.

After a beat the door swings open and Hope is pulled inside.The door slams shut and she's pushed against the wall swiftly.

Her eyes widen in alert but when she sees it's Josie she relaxes, slightly.

The brunette's panting, her eyes glazed over, and her face is a little pale.

Hope was about to ask her what was wrong but Josie puts her hand on the woman's mouth stopping her from speaking.

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