Chapter 17

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Outskirts of Visitor Center, West Arkham Asylum
Batman POV

After the victory against Poison Ivy at the Garden; I can't believe I let Joker capture Silver and now I learn that he is having a party at the Visitor Center which is full of fireworks and if he's there than Silver is there as well. I make my way to the Visitor Center and see a bunch of thugs.

Thug: "Let me see if your name is on the list....... There you are and you're the guest of honor."

Everyone clap, but right now I need to find Silver and defeat Joker.

Visitor Center

I enter the Visitor Center to see Joker is waiting for me.

Joker: "Welcome to the grand finale Bats and I got a surprise for you. I got Laura tie up and a special guest for you."

He reveal the shadow figure to be Silver in his werewolf form and he's infected with the Titan Venom.

Joker: "Give him a kick Silver."

The werewolf is heading right towards me so I try to dodge him, but he sniff me out and throw me against the wall and start to beat me into a pulp; however I still have the cure so I need to inject him with it, but he notice it and grab it before he threw right toward Laura Morgan. He continue to throw me around so  I decide to do the same thing just like the normal thing, but I'm dealing with a werewolf. The fight continues on and I'm start to get exhausted while Joker is laughing that he is going to be victorious against me by using a Titan Werewolf.

Joker: "Come on Silver; choke him to death."

He was about to finish me off until Laura manage to cut herself loose and try to inject him with the cure which he notice and attack her which cause his claw to pierce right through her stomach and spew blood from her mouth. The werewolf stop and he notice what he just did.

Titan Silver(shock): "Mom."

He remove his claw from her stomach and she isn't moving while Joker is laughing.

Joker(laughing): "That is something else. I don't need her anymore so you can have her."

It was enough for me to knock him out which angers Joker.

Joker: "No fair; that's cheating. That's it. Time to put the charade down."

He shot himself with the Titan Venom and turn into a Titan monster himself.

Silver POV

I saw what I have done to mom and she isn't moving anymore. I don't know what to do anymore and my spirit is broken into million pieces until I hear a voice in my head.

???: "Do you want revenge Silver?"

Silver(angry): "YES!"

???: "Than help Batman and defeat Joker."

I notice Joker turn into a Titan and drag Batman to the top of the building so I follow them in suit.

Time Skip
Batman POV

Joker drag me to the rooftop so everyone can see him beat me up, but I'm not going to let him do that. Joker throw me into the pit and start to attack me.

Titan Joker: "I was hoping that the werewolf would killed you, but nope I can't have any fun with you around. Time to end this."

He try to attack me while I dodge him. I continue to dodge him until he grab me and about to hit me until something hit him back which send him flying to the wall. I look at the attack and it was Silver still holding on to his humanity.

Titan Silver: "Are you alright Batman?"

Batman: "Thank you for the help."

He nod and Joker is getting up.

Titan Joker(angry): "SO! Still have some humanity in ya. NOW YOU DONE IT!"

He was about to charge right at us, but Silver strike back which is a stalemate.

Titan Joker: "Don't just stand there. Help me."

His men went down so I decide to deal with them while Silver deals with Joker. The fight rages on while Silver continue his attack against Joker which they exchange scars. Silver punch Joker to the wall while I get ready for his attack which I put gels on my gloves so I signal Silver who is ready for his attack and know what I'm doing.

Titan Joker: "I'm going to win this round."

Titan Silver: "Wrong. We're going to win this one."

Silver push Joker right towards me and I use my gloves to deal with the final punch which send him knocking out. We have won the match and so I use the cure to heal Silver who transform back to his normal self except a couple of things which surprise us.

 We have won the match and so I use the cure to heal Silver who transform back to his normal self except a couple of things which surprise us

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His appearance did change except some features which is a wolf ears and a wolf tail.

Silver(confuse): "How come those are still here?"

Batman: "Must be aftereffect of the Venom."

He didn't mind that, but the problem is his mother who is laying on the ground where he strike her. We both went down and he start to cry that he hurt her, but I told him that it wasn't his fault because he was infected with the Titan Venom. I blame myself for letting him help me against Joker and his men. GCPD have arrive to deal with the thugs and secure the island while Silver is getting treatment for any effects of the Venom. I talk with Gordon at the entrance.

Entrance, Arkham Asylum

Gordon: "Sorry about your car."

Batman: "That's okay; I got another one coming."

We continue to talk about Silver's future which I decide to take him in as my own and train his new powers.

Gordon: "Are you sure about that?"

Batman: "It was my fault for dragging him and his mother to this mess so this is the least I can do."

He was about to say something until I hear that Two-Face is robbing a bank at Gotham City so I decide to head out while I see Silver talking with the doctors with his wolf ears and wolf tail.

To be Continued...

Epilogue: Dark Wolf 

Dark Wolf at Arkham AsylumWhere stories live. Discover now