Chapter 8: Quiet in the Library

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 Arkham Mansion
Silver POV

Me and Batman enter the vent through the above the entrance door which we glad we did because they have laser on the other side so enter the vent was a smart move, but right now we can see a couple of thugs station here waiting for us to arrive. I notice one of them has a gun so I decide to take the lead and jump down which I manage to grab him and knock him out. The thugs was shock and got both knock out by Batman.

Batman: "Pretty reckless."

Silver: "I would say the same to you."

I try to open the door, but it won't move which means something is blocking the door on the other side. Batman notice a vent on the ceiling which he use is Batclaw to open it up and I use my Wolf Claw to climb on the wall and into the vent. We finally reach the Main Hall and see the thugs are searching for the documents of Doctor Young.

Silver: "I doubt the doctor would be hiding the documents in the bloody main hall."

Batman agree to my statement, but right now more fighting to do. We head down and the thugs are shock to see us.

Thug: "It's the Bat and he brought a friend with him."

Silver: "YO!"

I say that while I punch him in the face while Batman is facing against 4 thugs while I deal with 3 including the one I punch in the face. It took a while, but we able to defeat them, but the question is what to start now.

Silver: "What's the plan?"

Batman: "Search everywhere for Doctor Young or her notes."

Silver: "What's start on the short route which will take us to the Library."

Batman agree to it and we went to the Library, but first we need to deal with a couple of thugs who was talking about Doctor Young been dragged by someone; however we decide to end them by a surprise attack. We commence our ambush and knock a couple of thugs to the ground and enter the Library.

Library, Arkham Mansion

We enter the Library and see a couple of thugs searching for the documents until they notice us.


Silver: "Quiet this is a Library."

We deal with the thugs which it took a couple of minutes since some of them have knives which one of them manage to get a hit on me and now I have a scar on my chest; however that didn't hurt a bit. Must be my werewolf powers which is less painful than before. Joker was impress of our performance and the reward is the prisoners that is trap underneath, but why would Joker tell us that.

Batman: "This is a trap to set us up."

Silver: "Figure that much since he say that with a smile on his face. What's the plan?"

Batman look around and see that Joker was right about prisoners underneath us thanks to his scanner, but know that Joker will set a trap if we approach them. I look around to see a large chandelier hanging right above us which gives me a idea.

Silver: "How about we use the chandelier above us to make our way down."

Batman look up and agree to the idea. It's risky, but it's worth the shot. We head upstairs which Joker notice it and we're right about been a trap because he activate a bomb that is near the prisoner with gas so we have to hurry. We head upstairs and sometimes use the vent to reach our target and Batman use his Batarang to cut the chandelier down to the lower levels and we both jump down and reach for the box; however that was also a trap when I got punch in the face by a huge boxer glove that came out of the box.

Silver(pain): "OUCH!"

I check my face and it was alright, but I was angry that I got hit by Joker's misfit tricks.

Silver(angry): "I'm going to make him pay for this."

Batman help the prisoners and they tell us that Dr. Young was escaping from the thugs which cause them to be separate and don't know where she went. I was about to head out until I notice something that is out of place which is a book sticking out. I open the book and notice documents.

Silver: "Hey Batman; I found something here."

I show him the document and he knows that was the document created by Dr. Young; I tell him that I found a book that was sticking out and burn the documents which was probably be a good idea since Joker wants it.

Batman: "Now we need to find Dr. Young."

Guard: "Her office is at the West Wing."

Note: "If you play the game of Arkham Asylum; you need to go to Dr. Young's office first before you trigger of finding the documents, but since Silver is in the story and he have a good sight and smell; this makes finding the document much easier. Spoiler Alert."

We head out to rescue Dr. Young before those thugs does. When we reach the door way me and Batman start to smell something and notice a brown gas coming out of the vent system which isn't good because those are Scarecrow's Fear Gas.

To be Continued.....

Chapter 9: Chaos Wolf Return

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