Chapter 6: It's Smashing Time

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Experimental Chamber, Medical Facility
Silver POV

After I have a run in with Scarecrow's Fear Gas and unite with Batman; we follow the green trail left by Joker and his men to where the Gordon is been held while Joker is taunting us throughout the facility.

Joker(speaker): "How's the nightmare? Feel scare yet."

I want to shut that speaker up, but right now we got bigger fish to fry for the time being. We dealt with a couple of thugs that broke through a door and continue to move forward. We reach the Experimental Chamber and so far I haven't see my mother yet, but we can see Gordon on the other side of the window with Harley.

Joker: "How about a little game? If one of my men see you or that friend of yours than your little friend will die."

So any sight of us than the Commissioner will die so it's time for some sneaking around, but first Batman take down the vent so we grant access the chamber. I use my Shadow Wolf Gadget to camouflage myself while Batman have to sneak around since there is no platform around. We took them down one by one without been spotted while Harley continue to taunt us.

Harley: "Has everyone see Bats and his friend? No? That probably because their chicken."

I start to get angry so we're going to teach her a lesson so we climb the chair and Batman decide to attack her where she won't expect from which is right on top of her. While Batman is saving the Commissioner I notice something behind me which is a chamber with mist coming out of it. I feel a lot of hatred coming from the chamber, but it was enough for me to snarl at. Once Batman rescue the Commissioner; Gordon activate the laser that lead us to a computer while I continue to snarl at the mist which Batman notice something is wrong here so he order Gordon to get back.

Batman: "Get back Gordon."

The mist start to clear up and it was one of the Super Villian named Bane.

He was strap into some device with tubes coming toward his body and he look weak

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He was strap into some device with tubes coming toward his body and he look weak.

Bane(angry): "Get me down."

Batman: "What happen to you Bane?"

He explain that Dr. Young was doing experiment with the Venoms which cause him to feel weak, but looks like Joker overheard us and decide to pump him with some green liquid which cause a a lot of muscles into his body and  he broke free. He was about to charge right at Batman, but push him out of way and Bane send me flying to the Boiler Room. He didn't expect to catch someone that is not Batman, but I got a full surprise to him; however I need to push the debris out of the way. I turn into my werewolf and deal with his new strength.

Bane: "A werewolf. I will crush you, than Batman, and than that bruja."

Silver: "I will see you try."

This is going to be interest challenge match. A werewolf vs a super strength villian. I notice there are thugs on the balcony, but looks like Batman is dealing with them while I deal with Bane. I start charging right at me, but I was about to dodge his attack and try to strike him, but he punch me in the face. I felt that one because I can feel some of my bones crack; however it wasn't enough to put me down. He start to throw debris right at me; however I manage to dodge it and strike back with my claws which I manage to got him.

Bane(pain): "AAAAAH!"

He was focus on the pain while I disconnect the tubes from his back; however he throw me off his back and the fight continues on. Batman is doing great at the top with the thugs. It took couple of 16 minutes of the fight to finally getting a upper hand here. Once I destroy the last tube from his back; he start to feel the pain of the liquid coming out and the debris start to falling down, but I didn't stand around since I probably get buried as well if I don't move. I start to climb on the wall.

West Section, Arkham Asylum

Me and Batman is leaving the Medical Facility through the manhole, but so far I haven't see my mother at all; I'm start to get worry. Batman activate something from his arm and the Commissioner manage to escape; I question him about my mother.

Silver: "Do you know where my mother is? She suppose to work to work at the Medical Facility."

Gordon: "Sorry Silver, but I haven't seen her in the facility; however I did learn that the thugs capture a scientist from the Red sector of the facility; however that is all I know."

Which means that Mom was capture by Joker. 

Batman: "We're going to find her, but Gordon; we need to take you to safety."

Gordon try to protect, but was reject by Batman which he decide to give up since Gotham City safety is the most importance. We head to the docks where there is a boat waiting for him and he left.

Batman: "I'm heading to the Batcave to gather information."

Silver: "I'm going to Arkham Campsite where the guards are gathering."

We went both our separate ways and heading to the Arkham Campsite at North Section of Arkham.

To be Continued....

Chapter 7: Young's Secrets 

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