Chapter 5: Chaos Wolf

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Silver POV

Once the elevator open up; I notice that I'm all by myself in a empty hallway, but what the hell happen in the elevator and where did Batman go. I notice something in the window to see all the guards getting kill by something while they start to shout for help.

Guard(shout): "HELP US!"

I try to open the door, but it won't open and notice there is a giant shadow figure with a wolf head appearance, before it disappear into thin air so I chase after it, but it was too fast for me. What is going on here? I continue to explore the hallway until I turn around to see Batman dead on the floor with a symbol laying on the ground and he is in the middle of it.

 What is going on here? I continue to explore the hallway until I turn around to see Batman dead on the floor with a symbol laying on the ground and he is in the middle of it

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Silver: "What is this thing?"

???: "Are you scared yet?"

I turn around, but there was nothing there; however I sense that something isn't right here, but I need to keep on going. I continue to explore the hallway and see a blood trail which takes me to mom who is laying on the wall with a giant claw marks on the wall.

Silver(shock): "MOM!"

I head over where she is at and found out that she is dead. I start to cry until I can hear her voice.

Mom: "Son."

I turn at her face, but it was horrify to see because I can see her eyes is nothing but blackness with blood dripping out of it.

Mom?: "Where were you when I needed you the most?"

I don't what's happening here, but my mom is giving a scary look of all and I turn around to see the entire hallway was gone except a long big door. I head to the largest door and turn around to see my dead mom gone from that spot. What is going on here? I open the door to see a large chamber and a figure is standing there, but I can't see the head. I enter the chamber and the door is closed. I continue to walk and approach the figure until it start to talk.

???: "There are two wolves in this world. One is good and one is evil. The evil wolf will continue to beat the good wolf, but so does the good one in return. Who will win the fight? The answer is the one that absorb the most. Native American words if I remember correctly."

I continue to stand there.

Silver: "Who are you?"

???: "Me? Well; I'm you, but evil."

Note: "This the figure, but has glowing red eyes

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Note: "This the figure, but has glowing red eyes."

Silver(shock): "What?"

???: "Everyone has evil within their souls, but we contain it; however one wrong move will cause you everything including your soul. Tell me Silver Morgan; why do you seek power?"

Silver: "To protect."

???: "Protect from whom?"

Silver: "From people who will do harm."

???: "What happens if the people reject you from society and fear you?"

Silver: "I remain do the same as before."

???: "That is ignorance right there; people are afraid of you my friend."

Silver(angry): "That isn't true."

???: "People are afraid of the unknowns and werewolves are the same as the unknowns."

Silver(angry): "ENOUGH! If you want to fight than let's do it."

???(laughing): "THAN! Let's get started. Let Chaos Wolf spread that fear into you."

It was Wolf Time against Chaos Wolf, but he is different than the fight I have dealt with because I'm facing against myself here and he knows that I won't win by normal means.  I need to figure out how to defeat him. He start to attack me which send me flying against the wall which I spew blood out. I don't know this is illusion, but it hurts like hell. We continue the fight, but he has the upper hand until I notice a spotlight at the distance which has a symbol on it.

I try to see if that spotlight will work on Chaos Wolf, but looks like he notice what I'm doing so he push me away from the spotlight

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I try to see if that spotlight will work on Chaos Wolf, but looks like he notice what I'm doing so he push me away from the spotlight.

Chaos Wolf: "I'm not letting you touch that spotlight."

So I was right that spotlight will help me to defeat the other me so I decide to make way, but I need to do it stealthy so I activate my gadget which I notice Chaos Wolf try to hit me, but he miss and I avoid his eyesight by going through the debris that is falling from the ceiling. I was getting closer to the spotlight, but looks like my time is up when he notice me heading toward the spotlight.

Chaos Wolf(angry): "I don't think so."

He was heading right toward me, but it was too late for him because I aim the spotlight right at him and activate the lights which he disappear into thin air and I'm back where I'm from.

???: "Hey are you alright?"

I notice it was Batman, but looks like he went through hell is well.

Silver: "I'm okay, but see some creepy things."

Batman: "Looks like we got hit by Scarecrow's Fear Gas when we enter the elevator, but I'm glad that you're alright; however we need to keep moving and save the Commissioner.

To be Continued...... 

Chapter 6: It's Smashing Time

Dark Wolf at Arkham AsylumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora