Chapter 16

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Main Sewer Junction, Arkham Asylum
Silver POV

We continue exploring the junction and try to reach the Pumping station which is at the top of the section. I use the Wolf Claw to climb my way to the Pump Control Room while Batman is making his way with his gadgets. I open the vent to see a couple of thugs talking about controlling the Titan Venom into the storage tank until I decide to send them falling to their death by causing the tiles to fall down. They scream and beat the survivor that wasn't on the tile. Batman arrive a little while and making our way to the the Pump Rooms; we decide to split up and shut down the pumps or at least put my Adam and Eve vial into the system and clean it up. I give Batman Adam while I have Eve. I head to the West Pump so I can add the Vial to the tanks. I enter the West Pump Room and notice a couple of thugs including one with a assault rifle, but they post no threat to me so I knock the soldier out and deal with the rest of the thugs.

Thug: "Why is there a guard here? Deal with him."

The fight continues on until all of the thugs was defeated and I add the Viral to the station and the Venom is been purify into clean water.

Silver: "Got it and now head back to meet with Batman."

I head back to the meeting zone and learn that Batman was able to put the viral in the station and it's mixing with Eve which turn the water into beautiful crimson and we're detecting the plants are returning to normal, but we need to deal with Ivy to make sure that the island is fully secure; however looks like Joker is sending his men including his Titan Soldier to deal with us which I turn into a werewolf to stop the Titan Soldier while Batman deal with the thugs.

Laura POV

I watch as he help Batman deal with the Titan Soldier while I can see Joker isn't happy that his plan is ruin by my son and Batman.

Joker: "DAMN IT! My plans is ruin because of those two."

He start to walk around to think about another plan which he looks at me with a grin on his face.

Joker: "You're coming with me for a finale. YOU! Have the men on stand by at the Garden and we're going to get ourselves a werewolf."

West of Arkham Asylum
Silver POV

We manage to destroy our way through the chambers and make our way outside where we notice Ivy is destroying the island.

Silver: "DAMN! The entire island is going to be destroy if we don't do something."

Batman: "We need to deal with Ivy. She will probably be still at the Garden."

Silver: "No doubt that she is waiting for us to arrive."

I thought the Adam and Eve will take care of the plants, but looks like we need to defeat Ivy in order to make sure the plants return to normal. We can hear her voices throughout the island.

Ivy: "Me and my babies will come after you Batman and that friend of yours."

Silver: "AWWW! How sweet. Don't worry Ivy; we're come to visit you."

Ivy: "I want to see you try."

Joker(speaker): "You two need to stop with the couple arguments."

S/I(shout): "SHUT IT!"

We head to the Garden to stop Ivy once and for all.

Time Skip
Botanical Garden, East Arkham Asylum

We arrive at the Garden where we need to stop Ivy and have the island to return state, but I doubt she will listen without a fight. We have to fight her plants while making our way to where she is staying at which is the usual place where we first met her which is the Elizabeth Arkham Glasshouse. We make our way to the glasshouse and see she has a huge monster waiting for us.

Batman POV

Ivy was waiting for us, but I didn't expect that I was fighting by myself and notice Joker's men ambush Silver before we approach Ivy and flee with him.

Thug: "Sorry Bats, but the boss want to meet him in person. Good luck with the woman."

While they got away from us; Ivy summon her huge monster and attack me.

Ivy: "I want to thank that werewolf in person, but looks like I need to deal with Joker first, but first I need to deal with you."

She use her vines to fire spores at me, but it miss. Only way to defeat her is to drop her to my level and use the gel to blow up her shell. The fight continues on until I manage to drop her and add the gel to her shell which cause a explosion.

Ivy(angry): "DAMN YOU BATMAN! Come boys."

She summon guards that is under her control and attack me, but I was able to knock them down and continue the fight. The fight continues on and once the last gel reach her shell; it was game over for her. Once the explosion was rig and destroy her shell. It cause her to fall down into the abyss, but right now I need to rescue Silver from Joker before he inject him with the Titan Venom. I use the Batclaw and escape the Garden while the section is getting destroyed.

Time Skip
Joker POV

I look at the time and it is show time, but first I think a grand prize for Bats for surviving so long. My men manage to capture Silver and now it's time for the grand finale by showing Bats my true potential. I look at the shadow figure that looks like a werewolf.

Joker: "Are you ready to make a great performance?"

The werewolf's eyes open up to see to reveal greenish color like the same as my men who is infected with the Titan Venom. His mother is scared of his son's new appearance.

???(angry): "YOU MONSTER!"

Joker(happy): "It's showtime."

To be Continued....

Chapter 17  

Dark Wolf at Arkham AsylumOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora