Chapter 12: Garden of Eve

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Botanical Garden, East Arkham Asylum
Silver POV

Me and Batman head to the Botanical Garden so I can get Adam and Eve before curing the plants, but looks like Joker and his men are already here when we notice a couple of thugs guarding the Entrance of the Garden with guns; however we manage to defeat with and one actually shot me, but it didn't feel painful because it was silver. Batman use his scanner to lower the laser and enter the Glasshouse where we can see a patrols here so it's time for us to do our average sneak; however it's going to be tougher since there is not a lot of room of error so we did this timely and was successful of dealing with the thugs, but we need to be careful because they have a alarm collar on their neck which helps their units to find us easy, but lucky we was able to deal with them before help arrives.

Silver: "Harley went north of the glasshouse, but I need to stop at the Generator Room to grab Adam."

Batman(confuse): "I thought you say Adam and Eve?"

Silver: "Who say it was one vial, but it was two. The First will be Adam and the last is Eve; I need to mix it into the water system to cure the plants of the infection. I keep them separate from each other if it falls into a wrong hands."

We head to the Generator Room and notice a employee strap into the chair and get beaten up by the thugs which they notice us.

Thug: "It's the Bat and his friend."

The fight last about couple of minutes and I untie the employee from the chair.

Batman: "What are they doing here?"

Employee: "Don't know, but I notice some of them messing with the panels over there while I get beaten up."

I notice one of the panels has something strap to it and Batman notice it.

Batman: "It's been rig with explosives. This is going to be tricky."

Batman is working on the panel while I fetch the Adam Vial from my hidden cover.

Silver: "Got the Adam Vial and now for the Eve Vial. We need head further in to fetch it."

We head back and head north of the glasshouse which is the Flooded Corridor and notice Joker is in front of us.

Batman: "Joker; this needs to end."

He just laugh and a big explosion occurs which block the entrance to the rest of the corridor.

Joker: "Catch me if you can you two."

We head to the other side of the flooded floor and we both notice a vent that will bypass the destroyed entrance which it will take us to the Abandoned Chamber and we can hear voices coming from the top which is Joker. Looks like Joker is doing his testing with his new Venom and we can hear people crying in pain, but after that silence.

Joker(voice): "Ooops! That much be tough much for him to handle. Throw him out."

We continue to make our way and see manage to get to the other side of the Corridor where we notice a couple of thugs attacking a janitor which we decide to help him out. Once that was finish; the janitor inform us that there are more prisoners at the Aviary which is where my other Vial is hiding. Kill two birds with one stone.

Silver: "We need to head for the Aviary so I can fetch the Eve Vial."

Batman: "We do that and save the hostage."

I agree and head to the Aviary. We enter the the Aviary sector where we notice a couple of hostages trap in a cage and there are a couple of guards.

Joker: "If you see Batman or his friend; you drop them to the pits of hell. Got it?"

Silver: "Wrong move and those hostages will have a nasty drop."

Batman: "We need to deal with the controller first before moving on since they have collars on."

He's right; if we attack the thugs than the collar will alert the controller and than....... You don't want to know. I use my Shadow Wolf to camouflage and make my way to the control tower which I use the Wolf Claw to climb on the wall. Batman is waiting for my signal and when I knock him out; everyone start to figure it out and start charge to the tower so I decide to hid while Batman deal with the guards. It took about couple of minutes to deal with the thugs and when he signal me that everything is clear so I activate the cages so it land on the edge of the ground and release the hostages. One of the scientist inform us that there is a lab hidden somewhere in the Aviary, but right now I need the Vial of Eve which is hidden behind the cage.

Silver: "I got both Vials Batman; now I need to add this to the water source than the plants will be heal up."

Batman: "First we need to stop Joker."

I agree; if we stop Joker then the Titan Venom production will be halt and the vaccine will take care of the rest we search around the Aviary and found a couple of metal plates sticking in the wall which later reveal to be a panel, but it's rigged; however Batman manage to disable it.

To be Continued....

Chapter 13

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