Chapter 15

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Note: "I'm not going to add names to the chapter because I'm start to run out of titles."

Intensive Treatment, North Arkham
Silver POV

We head to the Secure Transit and notice a elevator going down which Batman told me of what's happening.

Batman: "Scarecrow is about to release the Fear Gas into the water system and infect Gotham."

Silver: "Then that happens then the entire city will be under chaos control."

He nod and try to activate the elevator which a couple of thugs is guarding the device that is rigged, but we manage to defeat them and the panel. We head down to the sewer system or the lower level of the Treatment facility and we encounter a dozen of thugs waiting for us, but we were able to best them and continue moving forward. We enter the sewer system, but I detect a threat ahead of us and there was Scarecrow waiting for us at the end of the ground.

Scarecrow: "Any closer than the Fear Gas will drop into the sewer and into the sea where everyone will show fear and chaos will be ensure

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Scarecrow: "Any closer than the Fear Gas will drop into the sewer and into the sea where everyone will show fear and chaos will be ensure."

Batman: "Don't do it."

Scarecrow: "Or what?"

We're about to get closer to him and we notice Killer Croc grab Scarecrow from the back and drop the Fear Gas on the ground which it was a relief, but someone have become food for the Killer Croc. We saw him took Scarecrow to the sewer waters and that was about it for him.

Silver: "That is the end of Scarecrow."

Batman: "Yes and we're next if we aren't careful."

We continue to make our way through the sewer system until we reach Killer Croc's Lair which is on the other side of the wall.

Killer Croc's Lair, Sewer System

We reach Killer Croc's Lair, but the problem is it is a maze down here and there is no blueprint of this part of the structure which means that we're going in blind, but Batman told me that he has a the scanner that will help us detect the plants we need for the cure. He place a device on the pipe.

Silver: "What's that?"

Batman: "Sonar device that once we're done collecting the spores than we use the sonar to find our way back."

Silver: "Genius move."

Batman: "Don't count on it since we still have Killer Croc on our tail."

That's true which means we need one person to move around in there.

Batman: "I go while you stay here."

I agree with Batman and he went through to find the spores, but first he put some explosive gels on the ground which he is planning to draw Killer Croc here once he is done of getting the spore. Risky, but better deal with the tougher problems. He went in and now I wait.

Time Skip

I wait for Batman to finish which collecting the spores, but I can hear Killer Croc chasing after him which I start to get worry, but I'm staying here just in case he does come back which I can see him running from Killer Croc who is behind him.

Batman: "GET OUT!"

I head out, but the cage door went down behind me and Batman is trap behind the door; however looks like Batman has a backup plan. He wait for Killer Croc to get closer and press the button which explodes the ground and send Killer Croc to the bottom of the sewer. I help Batman to raise the gate.

Silver: "Got the spores?"

Batman: "Yes and now we need to reach the Batcave."

Our next objective is to reach the Batcave which this is the first time I see the Batcave. We head to the Older Sewer where I believe connects to the Main Sewer Junction which I need to go to put the Adam and Eve in the sewer system to make sure the Titan Venom doesn't reach the waters.


We finally reach the Batcave which Batman explains that he built it when he saved a inmate that try to jump to his death which I learn from the guards, but I didn't expect this to be here. He went to the computer to make a antidote while I look around and plan of not touching it. While Batman is creating a cure; I decide to make something while I wait which is to increase my jumping ability which I call the Sky Wolf. Pretty much is a boot, but has a device to cause some steam that comes out underneath to increase the jump distance. While I was working on the boots; the plants start to dig into the cave and crushing everything. Me and Batman manage to survive the ordeal and manage to escape the Batcave with Batman's upgrade Batclaw.

Time Skip
Sewer, Arkham Asylum

We manage to escape from the plants and reach the sewer system, but time is running out for us.

Silver: "What's the plan?"

Batman: "Simple. Stop Ivy."

It sounds simple, but I doubt it. We head to the Main Sewer Junction and see the water green which isn't good.

Silver: "The water is contaminated."

Batman: "Where does the water lead?"

Silver: "There is a storage tank at the bottom and once that is full; they will dump it into Gotham River which is going to be a problem. We need to shut off the pump control at the Pumping Room; however I can put Adam and Eve into the pump and cure the water."

We agree to shut off the pump and dump Adam and Eve into the storage tank so it can purify the water source.

To be Continued....

Chapter 16 

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