Her hair had gotten a little longer within the past two months since the championship, as well as the night of the dance, when they'd had one of the best nights of their lives. She now looked much less tired and drained than she did back then, her eyes once again bright and lively. His gaze flickered down to her curled-up form, wide hips taking up the entire seat of his desk chair. She'd filled out much more since then, regaining those muscular curves he couldn't take his eyes off of when he first realized his attraction toward her.

"My mother invited you to come with us, I don't know why you're complaining so much." He shook his head at her and Costa started, planting her feet flat on the ground.

"And I told you I can't leave Hana alone for the holidays! What kind of niece would I be?!"

"One that has separation anxiety from her boyfriend."

Costa gaped, "I do not have separation anxiety! Who the fuck do you think you are saying tha-"

"Guess you'll just have to prove it these next few weeks then." Katsuki snickered, shrugging his shoulders at her. Her jaw dropped open in offense at his obvious mocking. She let out a frustrated groan and crossed her arms over her chest, only getting more agitated with him the longer they held this conversation. "Now you're making me think you're not even gonna miss me..."

He sent her a glare, "Shut the fuck up."

"I'm neglected, disrespected, betrayed..." She started counting all of her points on her fingers, shaking her head in disappointment. "Unappreciated, taken for granted-"

In seconds, he was across the room, wrapping his hand around Costa's wrist. Costa's mouth hung open, her words falling off the tip of her tongue as his other hand came to grab her chin and force her to look up into his vermillion eyes that stared at her with such intensity.

"You know how hard it's gonna be? Not to be able to see you and touch you..." His thumb swiped across her jaw, dipping slightly to brush the smooth skin of her neck. She fought back a shiver, refusing to tear her gaze away from his. Then, he felt her swallow hard under his thumb and a wolfish grin spread over his face. "I still think you should come with me. I want you to come."

"I can't." Costa sighed, nuzzling into his hand that was now cupping her face. "I wish I could but... I have to stay with Hana this year. Holidays are hard for us Miriara's nowadays."

He sighed through his nose, brief disappointment flickering across his face. "Yeah, I know. I just- fuck, this is like summer break all over again... except worse cause there's no work study to keep us together."

Costa twisted her lips to the side before she shrugged one shoulder, "At least we have Hakone to look forward to on our last weekend before school starts up again. The others seem pretty excited, they won't shut up about it."

Sero had invited some of them to visit his family's guest house in Hakone at the end of their winter break. It was located right in the valley of the Hakone mountains with complete access to the hot springs there. He'd invited them before he'd left the dorms to go home yesterday and Costa had accepted for the both of them, despite Katsuki's protests.

Most everyone was already gone, leaving only a lingering few to pack up the rest of their belongings for the break. Costa dropped her stuff off at Hana's place yesterday as well but Katsuki coerced her to stay with him, in the dorms, for an extra night before he left.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now