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{So Close, So Far}

Word Count ; 6741

"Can you stop breathing so loudly?!"

"What do you mean, this is how I always breathe."

"No, you do not."

"Yes, I do!"



"What the hell did you do-"

"My toe!" Costa whisper-shouted after jamming her big toe into the corner of a wall she and Bakugou were rounding in the pitch-black dark of night. She let out a quiet noise of frustration as he chuckled lowly, "If only Tokoyami didn't stay up until the ungodly hours of the night, in the kitchen playing Genshin Impact on his laptop."

It'd taken until at least midnight until every member of Class 2A had made their way up to their designated dorm room, leaving the downstairs common area open to two teenagers ready to battle it out in a tournament of Super Smash Brothers.

"Lame- I thought he'd play something with more gore," Bakugou scoffed, taking a step forward and knocking into her shoulder as he passed, heading toward the commons area. If it wasn't so dark, he would've seen the crazy-eye glare she was sending him as she said, "Do you wanna die tonight?"

After trying not to fall down the stairs in the complete dark, given the elevator would make too much noise and give them away, they slipped into the equally as dark corridor.

"The only one that's dying tonight is that avatar of yours," he stated, feeling around for the switch power button as he crouched in front of where the console was, "And then you can stop insisting my manga is yours and shut your trap for good."

"Hmm, you'll eat those words real soon," she leaned against the side of the wall.

The TV screen came to life, creating a bright glow about the darkened room that Costa squinted at. Bakugou grabbed the controllers out of the basket, tossing one toward Costa. She caught it swiftly, letting him set up the game as she walked over and plopped down on the couch.

She sighed, melting into the cushions. She wore her plaid pajama shorts and a large, oversized white shirt that read 'shut up or I'll prove I'm better than you' in bold black letters across her chest.

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now