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{A Deal-Breaking Offer}

Word Count; 4,813

Costa twirled her chopsticks around in her noodle bowl. The lunchroom was buzzing with conversation, lively with the energy of a new week full of possibilities. It was only Tuesday, a day after the work-study offers were released and Costa was sitting with Bakugou in their usual spot.

"Do you like thicker noodles or thin?" She squeezed a noodle between her chopsticks, raising it in front of her face. Bakugou scowled at her, reaching out and grabbing her wrist. She gasped as he plucked them away from her, throwing them onto his plate. "Thick."

"Mmm, you like more mass?" Costa teased. Her fingers crept across the tabletop. Bakugou popped a piece of sweet-n-sour chicken into his mouth. You could see his jaw muscles flex as he chewed. Sometimes Costa's eyes would flicker back and forth from his eyes to his jaw whenever he was eating. Then, he'd get mad at her- thinking he had something on his face that she wasn't telling him. He grumbled under his breath before replying, his mouth full of food. "Yeah, so?"

She hummed in response. Then her hand shot across the table. Bakugou quickly tried to deflect her but she swiftly swiped the chopsticks off of his plate. A triumphant smile blossomed across her face. Bakugou's chewing slowed. She threw her head back and laughed. "Aha! Too slow, hotshot!"

"Shut the hell up-" He glared at her. "Don't play with your fucking food like a goddamn child then!"

"You're just jealous because I'm more fun than you are-" Costa stuck her chopsticks back into her noodle bowl to stir her broth. "Anyways, back to the noodle subject-"

Her eyes met his, showing the image of pure sincerity. He furrowed his brows at the innocent look. He had a strong feeling that she was about to say something that'd either piss him off or was just plain weird.

"Do your tastes in noodles transfer over to your choices in female partners?"

Both, then.

He spit his food out, a bright blush spreading across his cheeks. Costa burst into laughter, watching as he desperately searched for napkins to catch his flying chunks of food. He coughed loudly, clutching his bottle as he took a large swig of water. Costa rested her cheek on her fist, continuing to chuckle softly. He glared daggers at her when he pulled the bottle back, his throat finally clear.

"Lil spit up?" Her lower lip wobbled dramatically as she swiped her thumb under her cupid's bow. "Why do you say the stupidest shit?!" He growled in irritation, cleaning up the food he accidentally spat out on the table. "Don't ask me about my-my..."

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