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Word Count ; 6905

The first round of one-on-one matches blew by, ending with a total of eight finalists to qualify in the next set; Kirishima, Bakugou, Tokoyami, Costa, Mina, Todoroki, Ochaco, and Midoriya.

The number of cocky smiles on class 2A's faces after the final eight were announced was abundantly clear. Class B's students had a sea of twitching, irritated eye rolls as they called for another break before setting up for the next matches. But the next pairings were announced before they'd left.

Bakugou vs Tokoyami.

Kirishima vs Todoroki.

Ashido vs Uraraka.

Then... Midoriya vs Miriara.

Costa's eyes scanned the crowd immediately after spotting her name on the screen. Green eyes, widened like saucers met hers from across the way. He gulped at the staredown Costa was giving him, causing her lips to curve up into an evil smirk.

He cringed as a lion's aura radiated off her in powerful, golden waves. Her eyes were set on him, marking him as her prey before she stalked away, swaggering her hips as she went. Bakugou then stepped into his line of sight, his head glancing away from where he was obviously watching Costa stare down the green-haired boy.

His crimson eyes held an unreadable emotion that Midoriya couldn't quite put his finger on as they held eye contact. Then, he remembered Todoroki's words from earlier.

"How he looks at her when she's fighting as if he's watching the most intriguing event he's ever seen. Or how he lets her walk in front of him without any protest even though he'd yell if it was anyone else. Or how he's always trying to partner up with her and if she chooses anyone other than him, he throws a fit."

That's right, Bakugou was probably hoping she would win the match against him so that he could fight her himself in the final round. For once, Midoriya wasn't the one being singled out by his childhood friend, it was Costa. For a different reason entirely.

"Kacchan-" Midoriya began, stepping toward the blonde boy. He snarled, baring his teeth. Midoriya hesitated, planting his feet into the ground at the dark aura the boy seemed to bring with him wherever he went.

"I just want to say..." He gulped. He needed to do his best, no matter how tough his opponent was. No matter the likelihood of his losing chances. He inhaled sharply before blurting out loudly, "I plan on winning this match with Mirirara and then I'm going to finally beat you in the final round!"

The Wildcard - Katsuki BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now